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Eight months later

I watched as Cheyenne played in the floor while Sophia napped on my arm. Wright had to go to another shoot leaving me with the girls for a week. Sophia had gotten so big since she was born. I carefully moved her and took her up to her room. I changed her diaper before setting her in her crib. Cheyenne came in to see her sister. Not going to lie she actually has been calm through my pregnancy then quiet when her sister is napping.

"Can we make cookies mama?" She asked. "Yes. Let me get her settled before we do though. Here take this to the kitchen for me." I said handing her the baby monitor. She nodded before going down to the kitchen. I turned the monitor on in the room before closing the door. Then went down to the kitchen to help Chey make cookies. All afternoon we baked and made different kinds of cookies.

"Your dad isn't going to know what to think when he sees all these cookies." I said. She giggled quietly. "He'll eat them by the dozen." She said. "Yes he will. Then he'll have to spend some time in the gym getting back into his model ready body." I said. She laughed knowing how much her dad loved being fit. As much as I want to see him, it's laying next to him that I really want.

I just set a batch of oatmeal cookies in the oven as Sophia started crying. I quickly closed the oven and ran for her room. I opened the door seeing her sat up. She reached out to me wanting to be picked up. I did so and carried her down to the kitchen. I put her in her swing and started it. She quieted and went back to sleep for a little bit. The front door opened then closed quietly.

All of the ranch hands know there's a new baby and need to be quiet when entering the house. "Ma'am several of the ranch hands were wondering when Wright will be back." Scott said. "He should be back at the end of the week." I said. "Thank you." He said. "Oh take these out to the barn. Cheyenne wanted to bake this afternoon and we got carried away." I said handing him a plate full of mixed kinds of cookies.

"Thank you ma'am. The guys will appreciate it." He said before leaving. Baked goods are a bonus on their paychecks. They may be paid fifteen dollars an hour to work but they get cookies, cakes, pies and anything Cheyenne wants to bake. I cleaned the kitchen up and put the cooled cookies up in a container before setting them on top of the fridge out of sight. I laughed knowing Wright will look on top of the fridge first before anywhere else.

I got dinner started an hour later after setting Soph in her bouncer to play. She squealed as she played. I had to laugh at how entertained she is. After making the hamburger patties the ranch hands came in freshly showered. "Thank you for the cookies." Alan said. Two of the hands cooked the burgers while I made some fries. The rest sat around making conversation with me. There's at least ten at the moment then five during the winter. July was getting pretty hot.

After dinner two stayed to help clean while Jason kept the three year old girl in the living room busy. At the moment she was showing him all of her horses she got for her birthday. The two hands washed the dishes for me while I cleaned the counters. I then picked Sophia up and took her to get a bath. I then called Cheyenne up for her bath after putting Soph to bed.

She mumbled an ok before climbing the stairs and trudging to her room. I mouthed a thank you to Jason before letting him go for the night. I bathed Cheyenne before tucking her into bed. "When is daddy going to be home?" She asked. "In just a few short days." I said. The front door opened then closed quietly before I heard a bag set down. "Did you hear the bag?. I asked her. She jumped out of bed and got down the stairs as fast as she could before running to Wright.

"How's my girls?" He asked. "Good. Mama and I made you something." She said. "Oh you did now. I'm just going to have to investigate what it is." He said. He set her down to hug and kiss me. "Where's Soph?" He asked. "In bed asleep." I said. "I would go up there but I'd hate to have an angry mama bear on my hands." He said. He knew what would happen if he woke up the baby. He'd get to sleep on the couch.

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