1 · fall away

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   tyler joseph was always treated differently for being lebanese.

   then he came out as a homosexual, and everyone stayed away from him.

   it was as if homosexuality was the flu and nobody wanted to catch it.

   others treated it as if he had cancer, making sure he felt right.

   as if he was sick.

   his parents weren't mean to him about it, sure they wanted him to be normal, but he was their son so they had to love him.

   they tried everything. going to church, personal meetings with the pastor, and even going as far as a religious bath. which is basically him getting dunked him holy water and getting blessed for an hour.

   he was bored with it in all honesty. he knew there was nothing wrong with being a homosexual, nor with being lebanese.

   he thought he was just a normal gentleman- normal puffy darkish brown locks, coffee eyes, and tan skin. he wore the same clothes as any heterosexual too. usually blue jeans, sometimes brown or black slacks. a white t-shirt or a basic button down.

  he was just an average teen and yet everyone thought other wise because he enjoyed the company of another male rather a female.

   he wasn't going to change who he was-oh hell no.

  he had one good friend named brendon urie and that's all he needed.

   one good friend was better than many bad ones in his opinion.

  he had one girlfriend in the past, when he was trying to figure out if he was a homosexual or not.

  her name was jenna black. she was beautiful. long blonde hair with big blue eyes. she didn't care that he was lebanese either.

  he did think she was a great gal, very much wife material. but alas he was more fond off their engilsh teacher mr.way than her.

  he came out to her before anyone. she said she understood-kinda. she wasnt a homophobe and didn't call him names, she just said to not talk to her and she wouldn't talk to him. he agreed.

  he came out to his parents next, of course they were upset. tears were shed, things were yelled. but at the end of the day they decided to just try to fix him. he mentally told himself to just play along with their homophobic antics. he didn't want to get kicked out.

  he came out to the school on accident. they were watching a film and their was a super attractive guy so of course tyler had to yell out 'damn he's hot.' infront of the whole class.

   his basketball buddys didn't help by telling the whole damn school about him being a homosexual.

   rumors were spread, some even going as far as saying he slept with twenty one different boys.

   brendon helped a lot, defending him as much as he could. his girlfriend sarah didn't take liking to tyler so she didn't let him help as much as he'd like to.

   he just let everyone talk. not caring when he heard people whisper about the 'fagot mexican'. it didn't bother him much anymore.

  he took on the 'i don't care' persona.

   but sadly when he came home he sat in his room letting all the things people said about him run through his pretty little head.

  he turned to smoking cigarettes.

  most people smoked, but his mother always told him he'd get lung cancer.

  but that didn't seem so bad to him at the moment when his hands were shaking so bad he almost missed the end of the fag.

  sometimes he would even secretly wear woman's undergarments. he would take his mothers panties right when she brought them home from the store. she didn't even notice because she she buys them im bundles at a time.

  it made him feel more feminine. he didn't want to turn into a lady, but he did like the thought of being able to wear a dress once in awhile. he was happy being a boy. he just wanted to be a feminine one.

  alas he would never be allowed. he was frowned upon for being who he is now, let alone someone who wore the oppisite genders clothes once in a while.

(708 words)

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