13 · ruby

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   "how was the pub?" joshua asked while forking some mashed potatoes.

tyler came home with about $50 dollars in tips. it wasn't a lot but it was enough to buy a gift for his love.

so he went to a local jeweler and got him a ring. not a wedding ring, a promise ring. he got one for himself too- he was going to also give that one to josh, so he could give it to him when he was ready.

he lied to the jeweler, he said him and his cousin were getting married to ladies and he was supposed to get rings for both of them, so he could engrave two male names into two different rings without question.

he was going to wear the one that said joshua, and joshua with the one that said tyler of course.

so he came home with the rings and put them in a nice little white box with red ribbon. he then made joshs favorite dinner, ham and mashed potatoes.

"it was okay." the tan boy said before adding, "i have presents!"

   he quickly put down a fork of ham with excitement written all over his face as he grabbed the box from the kitchen.

he lent down next to a confused joshua, doing the typical one knee stance before his love.

"joshua, i know things have been very hard for us.." tyler started, white box on for show as he looked at joshuas now nervous face. "..but we made it through. i l-love you. we've been together for only three months but damn it i do. im not scared to say it. and-and you don't have to say it back."

the brunette and blue haird man were now both in tears, for different reasons.

"i love you and i want to give you these." the brown eyed boy opened the box, revealing the rings. "one says my name and the other has yours. ill wear yours and you'll wear mine. there promise rings."

tyler took joshuas out of the box, and slipped it on his loves chubby finger before finishing his speech.

"you can give me mine when youre ready. this is me promising to marry you one day. no matter what ill love you. even if we brake up ill still love you."

joshua was silent.

just silent.

he played with the ring before taking it off, returning it to the box.

"tyler..." josh mumbled, "my mom called and said debby was still looking for a boyfriend. im gonna take her up on the offer."

"w-what." tyler stuttered, standing up straight.

"im gonna try to make it work. i got to thinking and i think it would be easier." josh confessed, "jesus christ tyler look what we did! we got together so quickly now we live together! we met three months ago!"

"i love you!" tyler yelled, now crying for the same reason josh was before, even harder.

"no you don't tyler! this is real fucking life you can't fall in love in three months!" josh yelled back, getting up from his chair to face his, now ex, love.

"i did!" the brunette was now fully sobbing, choice cracking with every word.

they were so happy, what happened to make joshua hate him?

"why do you hate me?!" tyler croaked, "i did everything for you!"

"i don't hate you tyler! we are just stupid kids that think they've fell in love when in reality they just like eachother!" the blue haird man yelled in return, no emotion on his face.

both broken. only one showing it.

joshua didn't know why he lied to tyler about going to date debby. he knew that if him and tyler really did start a serious relationship the youngest wouldn't be able to handle it.

people would be so mean, even though they haven't had hate while being here, he knows it will happen.

everyone hates on everyone else to make them feel bad.

he didn't want to lose tyler, but he had to.


and he left.

(678 words)

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