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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀— ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᎡ ჯᏙᏆᏆᏆ ;;

⠀⠀⠀⠀"Everyone to the catacombs!" Rivera shouted, ordering every guard to shuffle the servants, chefs, and every other person in the palace into the cold, creepy dungeon. "Please everyone get into the catacombs if you wish to survive!"

"What's going on!?"

"Are we going to die?"

"Everyone please stay calm!" A guard shouted, turning to Rivera who was struggling to maintain order, "your majesty, I will take care of them, now please, head down to the catacombs."

"These are my people, Gerard!" She snapped back at the guard, who seemed more concerned with The Queen's life than the lives of the masses. River did not agree with him. "I will not leave them defenseless!"

"I'm not asking you to –"

"Then get my people inside, I will go once everyone else is safe!" She persisted, giving the guard a fierce, angered look that he could not say no to. "That's an order!" She said, hammering the final nail into the coffin, and the man nodded, and carried out the order.

The rest of the guards soon followed his lead, and Rivera watched as her terrified people scurried into the safety of underneath the palace.

"Someone's missing." River said underneath her breath as she realized that a familiar face was not present in the crowd. "Gerard, have you seen Stephen Tayloss?" She shouted to the man, and he shook his head,

"no m'lady." He replied, and Rivera felt the breath get knocked out of her. She looked to the left, and to the right, hoping that the boy was just simply appear out of thin air and make himself present.

No luck.

"Damn." She whispered and looked back at the distracted guards before she ran from them, looking everywhere for the missing servant. "Stephen!" She shouted over and over.

She swung open the door of the servant's quarters, and saw Stephen hunched over, arm wrapped around his chest as he seemed to be in an indescribable amount of pain, "Stephen are you alright!?" She worriedly asked, kneeling beside him, placing a gentle hand on his back, "I need to get you to the catacombs, can you walk?"

"N – No, I...I can't – AH!" He cried out, unable to form a sentence, "something's...Something's gone horribly wrong!" He managed to say, grabbing the end of someone's bed as he struggled not to fall face first into the floor. "It's my father!"

It was in that moment that it clicked with River, everyone had gone to the dimension to kill the kings, and now they were experiencing an earthquake worst than anything they had ever lived through.

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