Chapter 2 - strawberry tart or apple tart 🍓🍎

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*30 minuets before*
Evie's POV
"At last " i heaved a sigh of relief , I had finally finished sewing the last dress before the summer holidays I glanced at the clock it was a min till midnight I've been sewing for hours.
"Hey M , look I've finally finished the last dress before the summer"I called over to her she jumped at the mention of her name ,"it's gorgeous E " she replied
She was sitting on her bed holding a box with something in it , it looked like strawberry tarts and I could see that mal was desperate to eat them.
"What's wrong M , why aren't you eating them are they not strawberry your favourite,are you on a diet what's up." I question, I think I might have been a little overwhelming because she looked like she was going to cry , she opened her mouth to speak but stoped herself, she looked down at the box longingly .
I walked over and sat next to her "is everything okay " I said , she  nodded and then said "E I need to tell you something  it's important " I was a little confused so I asked her what she meant " I'll tell you once I've tried one of these " she said.
Just then there was a knock at the door " I'll get it , it's probably jay and Carlos " I was right no sooner than I had opened the door dude and Carlos came jumping in , jay actually waits to be invited i he had his hand behind  his back and pooled out a bunch of flowers for me "awwww you didn't have to jay , I love you with or without gifts " jays my boyfriend ,we've been out for 8 months now and neither of us has regretted a single second of  it. He walked in and gave me a kiss, then all of a sudden We heard a thud followed Carlos's panic voice shouting "Mal.....". Me and jay looked at where the thud came from , mal was lying on the floor with one of the tarts in her hand missing a bite, then I smelled a familiar  smell ,a rotten smell , a dreadful smell , apples , poison apples.......

Decendants - Mal, saved by and falling for CarlosWhere stories live. Discover now