Chapter 10 - " I love you too"

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Carlos POV
Jay and Evie rush in a few mins after ben and Audrey had left , and they seemed very panicked "hey guys I know who hurt Mal" I said as quick as I could " so do we " they pant I gave them that look of what went on with you two "we had to run here it's not Harry that hurt Mal" they said catching there breath ' I know ' I say  " on three " says jay , Evie nods , and we almost chant saying the same thing "1,2,3 .... it's ben "  we looked at each other in surprise "ben was here with Audrey and they said something about there plan would fail if...." I said loosing it by the end "if what Carlos " said jay
I look at them embarrassed and blurt it out " if I kiss Mal because even if I don't love her , she loves me , but I do love her and I don't know what she would do if I kissed her but I want her to be safe and I want her to wake up , but ......" I said it al really fast and I'm surprised Evie made sense of it all and said "but what " I look away as I say it " but I've never kissed anyone before , so this would be my first kiss" Evie looks at me with a very serious face on and starts asking questions " do you love Mal " I nod "do you want her to be safe " I nod " do you want ben to hurt her " i shake my head , " no " I say "final question , do you want her to wake up " I nod "yes of corse I do , I want her to be safe ,I love her more than anything " Evie makes eye contact with me as I say it " then kiss her already or do you want her living nightmares for the rest of time ? " she sighs "me and jay will leave the room and give you alone time with her " and her and jay leave me alone with mal , she was still holding my hand , I leaned in towards her and gently laid my lips on hers closing my eyes as I do so , then I feel her kissing back and when i open my eye so are hers " you saved me " she whispered "Of corse " I say "I love you" then she slowly leans forward and whispers "I love you to " before crashing her lips into mine ...........

Omg I've finally done it mals safe again and she's with Carlos
I hope you enjoyed reading this story because I might do a sequel please comment on thoughts I really want to and I hope others want me to as well
Thanks for reading 🤗

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