Chapter 3- Mals been posiond ... but by who...?

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Carlos POV
Me and jay had just arrived at mals dorm, me and mal have been friends since, well, forever , she saw me getting picked on because I was weaker than the other VK s and well mal took me under her wing and we've been best friends ever since . But recently I've noticed shes not the same I've talked to Evie about it and she said that she walked in and caught Mal crying and when Evie asked if Mal wanted her to go get her boyfriend Ben , she cried even harder so I have my suspicions about Ben after all he's the son of the beast what if he transforms into a beast and hurts beastie boy loves Mal right , however I did speak to her a few time alone about what was going on and I went to give her a hug and she flinched when I hugged her and then I said bear hug and she squealed and ran off saying she had something to do I tryed to go after her but i lost her in a crowd , I'm worried about her.
I bounced into the girls dorm uninvited while jay and Evie fawned over flowers I stood next to Mal , she had a box with what seamed to be strawberry tarts "aren't you going to eat them" I asked startling her, she jumped and looked up at me , we made eye contact , and I could see fear in her eyes for the first time ever Mal was scared , "I'm worried something bad will happen if I do " she replied , hang on , that's not the Mal I know, the Mal I know would have eaten them all already , "just take a small bite " I suggest .
So Mal opens the box and picks out a tart and takes 1 small bite , she chews it and swallows and no soon than she swallowed the bite of tart she collapsed into a heap on the floor. "Mal!?" I say panicked "Mal"
I look up at Evie and jay "help me lift her onto the bed " hang on I've lifted Mal before she wasn't heavy before but she wasn't as light as a feather we lift her onto the bed in seconds "Mal? Jokes over you can wake up now" I say hopefully
I look at Evie she always has answer , right? "Evie what's wrong with her "  I say , she stutters "I..I..I .. I don't know" she walks over to jay who has the box the tarts came In she opens the boxs and talks a sniff and looks in the box under all the tarts and pulls out a slip of paper a little letter it read :
Dear my beautiful dragon princess Mal
Enjoy the tarts I had them very specially made for you
Hand plucked from the best apple tree in the land
So you better eat them or else
Lovingly from

After "lovingly from" there was a signature we all new to well ......

Hey I know this was a bit of a weird one but just comment your thoughts and ideas for who you'd like the signatures owner to be it is already decided but idk like to hear your thoughts
Thxs so much for reading 😁😊🙂

Decendants - Mal, saved by and falling for CarlosWhere stories live. Discover now