Chapter 7 getting rid of mal

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Bens POV
My plan with Audrey is working , now Mal will pay for what her mom did to Audrey's mom , so that maleficent's blood line will stop and history will never repeat what happened and we will be finally free from maleficent's shadow of evil  without her or her daughter Mal. Maleficent has hurt to many people it won't be long before mal begins hurting people to and prevention is better than cure as Audrey says
Audrey walks toward me "well " she says " is the plan working " I nod , "good" she says sealing the deal with a kiss "it's a shame no one loves Mal enough to give her a kiss" I say laughing , Audrey joins in , since no one loves Mal she is going to be asleep for a very long time ........

Sorry it's so short but it's not a chapter that needs to be long so I hope people don't mind
Thanks so much for reading there are loads of reads and I'm so happy 🤗

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