Chapter 4 we need true loves kiss .... so wheres ben ?

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Evie's POV
"The signature that's , no it can't be that's ...." I'm shocked , I can't believe someone would poison Mal , me and Carlos have both figured it out , "......that's king Bens signature!" Carlos looks upset , "if that beastie boy has done this to mal so help me I will tear him from limb to Limb , I will ......" I cut him off we don't know that it really was Ben it might have been some one else and Ben gave her then without realising what the tarts are?" I went over and checked her breathing and heart beat. Then Carlos asked "but Evie what were the tarts , they look fine to me and what have they done to her?"
I look at Carlos he's so upset and I can understand why , out of me , jay and him he's the closet to mal would be him, they've been through everything together , I can't not tell him " Carlos, I think the tarts had poison apple in it" he was shocked "but how the only last poison apple is the one Snow White ate" I shake my head "no Carlos she ate one bite of said apple , the rest of its in the museum " jay had been standing watching the conversation and cut in " Evie if that's poison apple then she will be sleeping for the rest of time, and if we don't wake her up then she either has no dreams or...." Carlos looked at Evie "or nightmares " of corse we need to wake her up or she'll be in pain forever "true loves kiss " I say " we need true loves meaning we need Ben" I turn to jay " your the fastest we'll stay here with Mal you go find Ben" he left the room at super fast speed to go find the king, 
Carlos sat on the bed next Mal, he slowly strokes her cheek and smile lovingly at her, but you can see the worry and pain he's in too. "You love her don't you " I say "well yeah she's my friend " he relies "I'm mean more than friends Carlos , you love her , you've got a crush on her don't you." I smile " I ..... I ... I don't know what you mean Evie" he's still stroking her, "Evie...." he's panicking again "what " I look round and I realise what's wrong , mals saying something, "I'm not weak ," she mumbles , there are tears rolling down her cheeks " I'm not weak , don't hurt me , I'm not weak"she's crying which means one thing she's having a nightmare and her true love isn't here to wake her up........


I hope everyone is enjoying reading this story , thank you so much for reading, I'm sorry it took so long to get even the tiniest marlos but there will be more so keep reading thxs 🤗

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