Chapter 14-fairy godmothers advice

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Carlos POV
After waiting till mal falls asleep I slowly creep  out of mals room and carefully shut the door as to not wake her up. I get out and walk quickly and quietly to fairy godmothers office and knock on the door "come in" she squeaked so I opened the door and went in when fairy godmother realised it was me she wasn't surprised.  However she was surprised when she saw my hand ." Oh my godmother Carlos when happens to your hand just wait there I have an spell to heal your hand when happened " said fairy godmother quickly. I sighed and told her " fairy godmother it's fine ill just bandage it up. Magic scares mal remember " I explained that mal still was having nightmares so she gave me some advice ." Carlos , you and mal are going through this together and no one knows what the two of you are going through and I know it's been six months don't rush mal she needs more time to heal just like you to do " it was good advice but I still felt useless to mal I could feel my eyes brimming with tears so I left and thanked fairy godmother for her help and shut the door behind me . I could feel a tear falling down my cheek followed by another and another. I crude all the way to mals room I had to see her and make sure she was okay. How ever when I turn the corner I didn't expect to see a ghost like mal standing out side her bedroom door she saw me crying and threw her arms around my waist and buried her head into my shoulder as we cried together " we can get through this " she cried " but we have to stick together....."

Decendants - Mal, saved by and falling for CarlosWhere stories live. Discover now