chapter 12 - the accadent

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third person pov

*exactly  6 month ago*

mal was standing face to face with her mother maleficent who had both evie and jay tied up behind her "choose mal " laughed her mother,"mother i will not choose because nether will die" shouted mal.

mal was still shaken as the realization hit her , maleficent had just transformed from ben back to her normal self and it was her mother who had poisoned mal with the poison apple. 

"so mal will it be your best friend, or carlos's best friend." 

carlos was supose to be hiding but he runs up to mals side and grabs her hand " nether will die maleficent , let them go "

"awww hahaha mal has a boy friend , wait till curella finds out !!"

mal knew just how to really annoy her mother and carlos knew what she was thinking so he grabs her by the waist as she tilts her head up and they'er lips meet each others as they hold the kiss , malelifecent anger burned and when they broke the kiss , mals mother turn to face evie and jay and put her hand out and as mal screamed a blast of green light shot out towards the two teens tied up as they slumped to the ground carlos held her to his chest as she cried and cried.........

 thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it and please comment if it was to sad

Decendants - Mal, saved by and falling for CarlosWhere stories live. Discover now