Chapter 6 - it wasnt harry, he has a girlfriend

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Evie's POV
After Ben told us it was Harry hook I looked at Carlos , he was crying I've never seen him cry before , Mal has, but I haven't , he's still stroking Mal's cheek and he's holding her hand to , but as soon as Ben mentions Harry hooks name I can see how angry Carlos is , "okay thank you Ben " Ben leaves the room , I walk over to Mal , she's still saying the words but just quietly now and every time Carlos strokes her cheek she gets quieter until she's silent but there's still tears pouring down her cheeks, I love Mal like a sister and I hate seeing her like this , she's helped us all so many times , it's time to payback the dept . "Come on jay let's go find Harry " jay starts walking "what about me " says Carlos "I'm going to tear him apart " he look serious and I think he means that , "Carlos we need someone to stay here with Mal incase she starts having another nightmare you managed to calm her down  and what if someone comes to hurt her, you need to stay Carlos I'm sorry it's in Mals best interests " he nodded and said"slap him for me jay to which jay replies "will do dude" and me and jay walked out . We walked hand in hand to Harry's room and knocked  , we heard giggling from inside ... and I opened the door , and there was Harry with a girl that looked unmistakably like tinker bells daughter tink , sitting on Harry's bed giggling and kissing , jay coughed to get Harry's attention , Harry and Tink looked up and both went bright red , "hiya Evie hey jay " said Harry blushing , Jay took a step in the room " what are you doing with Tink , Harry " if it was atoll posable for Harry to get redder he just did , nervous he replied "Tinks my girlfriend " jay looked at me "what about Mal " I asked , he looked surprised , not guilty though" Mal and me where out years ago when we were on the isle why" I looked at jay worriedly "well thank you now we'll just be leaving " I said as jay backed out of the room "wait " said the son of hook "please don't tell anyone about me and think it's the last thing we need " me and jay made eye contact and nodded "we won't tell " said jay " thanks you so much " squeaked Tink "bye "
" Harry wasn't lying " said jay I replied " I know but that means...."  we looked at each other in shock " that means Ben was....." what has Mal done and what's she got herself into..........

Sorry if people don't like the idea of Harry hook and Tink but idk who else to put him with
Thanks for reading enjoy more to come 🤗

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