Chapter 8 - i just want her to be safe

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Carlos POV
Mal hadn't moved since she stoped talking and crying , and so have I .
I don't know what I can do I want to help but I don't know how to help, but there was one thing that I couldn't get , why would someone try and poison Mal , everyone loves her, and are always asking for advice from her,or help or something from her , so why would someone try and poison her? , I realise I'm still stroking her cheek and holding her hand and I start blush and slowly let go of  her hand but she clenches her hand so I can't let go of her and I try pull away but her grip tightens, I try standing up and pulling away but I'm still stuck in her grip , I try prying her hand away finger by finger but she won't budge. So I give up and sit down next to her and her grip loosens, so I try pulling away and once again her grip tightens so I put my hand back and her grip loosens again , why does she keep tightening her grip when I pull away , I suppose I can't leave until she wakes up ,that could be forever until we find the person she loves.
I had stoped stroking her cheek when I tried to get out of her hand lock , it must have disturbed her. Peace because she had started mumbling the same words as before "I'm not weak , please don't hurt me" she was slowly getting louder and she was crying again , harder than before , I start stroking her cheek again and quietly talk to her "shhh Mal , it's okay ,your not weak , it's me Carlos I wont hurt you , I will always keep you safe , and I'll look after you , shhhhhh , it's not real it's just a nightmare, shhhh Mal " She quietens down to mumbling the words as I stroke her tears away , I hate seeing her like this , I'm really worried but if I worry she might hear it in my voice and I don't want her to worry even though she's sleeping , she's still crying, this time it seems like she won't stop , I hope I'm not hurting her or anything , I just want her to be safe , I just want her to be okay , I just want her to wake up ........

I wanted to write a sorta sweet chapter were you can tell he loves her even though he doesn't say anything , I hope you enjoy many more to come however I'm not going to be able to do more chapters as often because reasons but I will update when i can , thanks for reading 🤗

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