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Last night was the first night in months where I didn't wake up. I slept peacefully throughout the whole night without one disturbance. That was until a huge bang outside my room woke me up. I groaned as I rolled over in bed, trying to block out the noise. But there it was again, another bang. I grabbed my phone from above my bed where it was on charge, 6:30. Too early for me to be getting out of bed, but there was no point in me trying to get back to sleep with only half an hour till my alarm went of.

I slowly got myself out of bed before opening my bedroom door. I growled at the sound of more bangs as I made my way to the kitchen. Before I could ope the door, it swung open revealing Balee and a couple other people who I didn't recognise.

'What the hell is going on?' I glared at everyone that was in the room, stopping when I saw Charlie on the couch looking just as dead as me.

'Finally!' Balee shut the door behind me as I walked over the where Charlie was sitting.

'As everyone is finally here, I thought we could all have breakfast together.' Balee was smiling at everyone as he got out a pack of eggs and bacon.

'Its your first day of class for you and Charlie and I thought it would be a nice gesture.' I glared back at Balee who started to cook. Before I could turn back, quite a tall lad blocked my vision.

'So you must be Alex. I'm Craig.' He smiled at me and held out his hand.

I shook it smiling back. 'Hey, i'm guessing you also live here?'

He chuckled silently and nodded. 'Yea, and thats Emily over there. Lacey should be back soon, but she had a job interview at 8.' I smiled back at Craig before getting up and walking over to Balee.

'So is this your way of introducing met o everyone?' I leaned over the counter staring at him.

He didn't look up as he smiled. 'Well you went out last night as everyone got here, so I thought it would be nice, and I know you and Charlie start your class today .'

He was right, we did start class today and it was nice to meet everyone before starting into this academic year. 'Well thanks man.' I paused to think for a minute. 'So i'm heading out to Ocean View tonight, and I thought you might want to come along?'

He looked up at me this time and spoke without hesitation. 'To a gay bar?'

I smiled. 'It's chill, I just want the company. I'm not suggesting you're gay, but you're pretty chill.'

Balee stopped what he was doing for a moment, he looked like he was contemplating what to say. 'I mean if this is going to be the start of a new friendship then I am so down.' I smiled and walked away.

I decided to skip breakfast, the nerves of actually starting my classes caught up with me. The email we got yesterday confirmed that. My sister was meant to come over today, but my tutor decided it was better to start classes earlier so that we could have more time for freshers week. I decided my sister could come over tomorrow when I don't have a class.


The walk to class was pleasant. I decided I would leave a bit later, so I told Charlie to go on without me. I popped over to the local coffee shop just after I left, never managing to get a coffee back at the flat. It was a cute coffee shop, university owned. Some students worked there, for easy money, while others did it for a living. I ordered my usual, vanilla latte, then left to make my way to class.

The walk was short, as my class was the other end of campus, and luckily campus wasn't very big. I crossed through the centre of town and made my way through the gates to the main lecture theatre. Our teacher had told us, that we were one of the only classes running today, so the main hall was the best place for our first lecture.

I walked toward the sign that said 'main theatre' and headed up the infinite amount of stairs laid out in front of me. The doors were automatic, letting me in as I soon approached them. Walking in there was a coffee shop and what looked like the entrance to students union. I continued walking forward to where I saw some more stairs, leading to the top of the building.

As I walked the last lot of stairs, I checked the time, 9:05. I was 5 minutes late on my first day of classes, great. Up your game Alex, don't want any trouble. I quickly ran the rest of the stairs and opened the door to the main hall. It was a lot bigger than I had imagined. It must have seated well over 300 people. I quickly ducked hoping my teacher wouldn't notice, until she looked up at me. I recognise that face. I looked over the my left, and saw Charlie, quickly I treaded over to her and took a seat.

'What took you so long?' I looked over at Charlie who was taking notes.

'I needed a coffee, didn't realise I'd be late.' Before Charlie could respond, our tutor spoke up.

'This is the first and last time I will be taking the register this semester. I am Sam Taylor and I am your tutor for this year. Any absences you'll email me.' I recognised that voice, Sam Taylor? Sam? I had drifted off into my own world as our tutor did the register. But quick enough I was nudged out of my daze when Sam was looking directly at me.

'Alex?' There was hesitation in her voice. Thats where I knew her from, the bar. We shared eye contact for a moment, before she looked back down at the clipboard she was holding.

'Uh-Y-Yeah' I rested my arm on the desk, leaning onto my fist. I was screwed.

Not long after the register, Sam was setting us work and letting us leave ready for Monday when classes started for good. I got up to put my book in my bag when I heard my name.

'Alex, could you see me in my office.' I looked down at Sam who was stood at her desk. Without hesitation I walked over to her as she walked through double doors. Within seconds of walking we had made it to her office, as she shut the door behind me.

'I-I didn't realise you worked here? Shit.' Sam sighed as she walked over to her computer and sat down.

'Alex if i knew you were going to be my student I wouldn't have done anything.' I looked down at the floor, but Sam knew there was something I wasn't saying.

'Why were you in a gay bar? The night before our class?' She studied me for a minute before answering.

'It's where I like to go. Do you want me to go on?' I shook my head, retrieving my answer.

'I think it's best we just ignore what happened, and move on. Never to happen again' I nodded then left.


I was quick to walk back to my dorm, before I heard a knock. I sighed and slumped out of bed to answer my door.

'Hey, you still on for tonight?' Shit we were meant to go out. I looked at Balee who was all ready to go. I nodded without saying anything, grabbed my wallet and we left.

It took us the same 15 minute to walk to Ocean View, and back at the bar ordering my whiskey and coke while Balee had vodka shots. The same girl served us at the bar that served me last night. I kept giving side glances as she eyed me up most of the time we were there. It made me slightly uncomfortable, but I got distracted when the door slammed open. A group of girls, or should I say women, walked in all laughing. There must have been 5 or 6 of them, all dressed up. As they approached the bar, I noticed one of the women at the back of the group, Sam. She didn't notice me right away, but I was very grateful for that.

Balee noticed me in a daze and leaned over to talk to me. 'Who you admiring?' I snapped out of it looking over toward him.

'My tutor, Sam, she's over there...' I trailed off what I was saying, giving Balee time to look over at Same.

'Isn't she the one who hit on you?' I nodded not taking my eyes off her.

I couldn't help but stare, she was so perfect. Mustn't have been taller than 5'6, long brown hair covering parts of her face. She had a smile that was so mesmerising. She must of felt my eyes on her as she looked over in my direction, her eyes went wide before relaxing. She gave me a shy smile, just before our eyes locked for a moment. I didn't want to pull away, her eyes were a forest I could easily get lost in. She was quick enough to pull away, when her friends started to go towards the booths.

I turned back at the bar, downing the last of my drink before ordering another. I needed to get drunk to get through this.

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