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Last night was mainly a blur. Sam actually kissed me, in public. I still couldn't wrap that around my head. What was going through her head to posses her to do that? 

After Sam had kissed me, I decided I wasn't going to run away like my body wanted me too. Instead I stayed and had a drink with her. We talked a lot again, but it was more awkward than usual. All I could think about, that whole evening, was the kiss. My mind went crazy, she actually kissed me. I decided to play it cool and act chill with what happened, but I was freaking out.

That whole morning after in class I couldn't focus at all. I was struggling to take in what the hell went down. I mean Sam looked stunning today, more than before. She had her hair down but her fringe tied back with a gorgeous sparkly necklace on. She was only wearing a vest with no shirt, can you blame her though it was like 100 degrees out. She also wore the same tailored trousers that she wore last night. I couldn't help but stare at her, caught in my own little world. 

'Hey you okay?' Charlie interrupted my thoughts, concerned why I wasn't paying any attention.

'Yeah, I'm good. Just tired.' I lied, I didn't really want her to know the truth. 

'Oh okay, well me and Balee are going out later, wanna come with?' How could I deny going out, that was the perfect thing to get my mind off of Sam. I nodded in agreement as I focused on trying to write notes. 

Sam would look up occasionally in my direction, she would smile then focus her attention else where. I couldn't help but smirk every time she looked over at me. Once the lecture ended, Sam put a video on for us to watch to give us more insight into the history of media. My favourite thing to do, well apart from checking out Sam. 

As the video started, Sam made her way to the back of the lecture hall. All lecturers did this, so they could focus on doing another job while keeping an eye on their students. I couldn't stop myself from staring at her as she walked the stairs to the top. Lucky for me I was also at the top of the lecture hall, taking in everything I could without getting caught. Sam looked over at me, but I managed to look away without being caught. 

Suddenly I felt someone sit next to me. I looked over to notice it was Sam. I didn't want to be rude so I spoke up. 'Hello Miss Taylor.' I noticed her cheeks going red slightly.

'It's Sam, okay?' Her voice was stern, and she looked slightly awkward, but the redness on her cheeks was telling me another thing. 

I pushed my hair behind my ear and around to the other side of my neck, tilting it slightly giving Sam the perfect view of my neck. I noticed her staring, causing me to smirk as I looked at her out of my peripheral vision. Slowly she leaned toward me, stopping when there was a loud noise coming from the movie. Once again I smirked and got back to taking notes. Sam made an awkward cough and started marking the assignments we had handed in. 

'You look really good today.' I leaned over closer to Sam's ear so only she could hear. She let out a silent giggle and smiled shyly.

'Thanks Alex.' She looked down then up to me. Our eyes only locked for a moment, but it felt like eternity. Her eyes were crystal blue, shining from the slight left in the room. She was truly gorgeous, breath taking if you'd like. 


Class ended quicker than I thought. Sam had gone to turn the video off, prepared to turn around and continue talking. But to her surprise, everyone was already leaving. Instead, she rested her head in her hands while sat at the desk. I decided it would be a good idea to get the notes that I missed from the move, as I was too busy doing other things.

'So can I have the notes?' I smirked while leaning against the desk, looking down at Sam.

'You should've taken notes Alex, there's a test on this tomorrow.' My face went pale, and my eyes wide. Sam must have noticed as she smirked and stood up in front of me. 'Did you get a little distracted today?' This time she moved even closer to me, I could smell her perfume sending tingles down my spine. I tried to look away, but she forced me to look her in the eye.

'I didn't get distracted. I just decided not to pay attention.' I smirked back at Sam who was now inches apart. My eyes flickered from her eyes to her mouth, back and forth. 

Quickly she pulled away. 'We can't do this.' She sounded hesitant, snapping me out of my daze. 'Can't do what? We weren't doing anything wrong.' I put my hand on Sam's shoulder causing her to pull away.

'Alex you need to go.' Her voice was stern, but without hesitation I left leaving Sam alone in the theatre. I didn't know what suddenly caused her mood to change, but I didn't like it.

I walked at a fast rate back to my flat, I passed Charlie and Balee who were also walking in the same direction. They called out for me but I blatantly ignored them. I continued up the stairs, not bothering to even try the lift. I didn't understand why I was so upset, but the feeling inside of me told me I was.

I knew I was meeting Charlie and Balee for drinks later at the uni bar, so I didn't bother trying to take an hours nap. Instead I decided that I was going to make myself look extra sexy, knowing that no one could really resist me. I went into my closet and picked out my skin tight black dress, it had lace on the back just for the ladies tonight. I also decided on black stilettos just for that intimidation. I knew I was going to kill it tonight.

'Hey you ready?' I left my bedroom door open, just for easy communication. 

'Yea Balee, be there in a minute.' I quickly tied my hair up into a high pony tail and walked out to where Charlie and Balee were waiting. Both looked pretty decent to say the least. Balee was in a button down shirt and jeans, while Charlie was in a loose top and skinny jeans. 

We decided to take the lift down as it was quicker, and lets face it, we're lazy. Luckily the student union bar was only across a couple buildings, so it wouldn't take long to get there. Quick enough we made it outside and started our journey. Loads of university kids were walking toward the student union, ready for this party. Charlie told me that this was just a bar, but forgot to mention that this was a party also. I was looking forward to getting back in my game, I lost it not long after I started my 3rd year in college. Deciding my education was a lot more important, but to night was to forget a certain someone. 

As we walked into the bar, music was booming and people where everywhere. The place was crammed, and we struggled to walk over toward the bar but we managed to get a seat from a couple girls who had just left. Balee and Charlie sat next to each other while I decided to sit further away, wouldn't want any cute girls thinking I'm with them.

'Hey, you here alone?' Just as I received my drink, a girl with blonde hair walked up to me. She was in a mini dress and flats, she had her hair pinned out of her face smiling. 

'Hey, I'm with my friends, but I can ditch them if you'd like?' I smiled up at her, removing a strand of hair from in front of her face.

The girl leaned in closer to me, within whispering distance. 'We could go back to my place.' I smiled, a one night stand couldn't hurt anyone, right? 

'Sure, let's get out of here.' I was in the bar less than five seconds before leaving with some stranger. My old self was definitely coming back, and I loved it. 

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