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I awoke the next morning, confused as anything. I looked around as to where I was, but I didn't recognise it at all. I closed my eyes again, my head pounding into my skull. I was hungover that's for sure. I rolled over to my left, only to bump into something warm. I opened one eye, trying not to be blinded by the sunlight coming in. A girl was lying next to me, she looked very much asleep. Shit, what have you done Alex?

I tried to quietly get out of bed, but I stumbled over all the clothes on the floor. I got up slowly, the girl was still asleep. I quickly grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to get changed. I was wearing pyjamas, that must have been hers. It only took me a few seconds to get changed before I was out of the bathroom grabbing my shoes. As I finished putting my shoes on, I looked over at the space where the girl should've been. The bed was empty. I must have woken her when I stumbled into the bathroom. 

I walked out quietly into the kitchen area, hoping the girl wouldn't notice me. I was tiptoeing around the place trying not to make a noise when I stumbled over the couch. Lucky for me, I made a loud noise. Well, at least she knows I'm still here. As I was getting myself to stand up, I heard footsteps coming from around the corner. I didn't bother to look up as she walked in.

'You alright? Why are you on the floor?' I stood up, still not looking at the girl. Her voice was very familiar though. 

'I'm fine. Just need to get home.' I tried walking past but she only stopped me every time. 

'Look at me.' I tried to get past again but was having no luck. After no success, I looked up at her. 

'Sam? Shit.' I held my head in my hands as I sat on the couch. She came over and sat next to me, placing her hand delicately on my shoulder. Her touch. It makes me feel so crazy.

'It's okay Alex, we didn't do anything.' I looked up at her, she looked worried. There was something else, something I couldn't quite tell. 

I sighed in relief, letting myself sit back on the couch. Sam turned to look at me, but I kept facing forward. There was something she wanted to tell me, something I probably didn't want to hear. I tried to zone out of whatever she was talking about, but she just kept pulling me out of the trance that I was in. 

'I need to tell you who that man was, I said we'd talk about it last night.' I looked over at Sam, she had sincerity in her eyes. 

'Okay.' I nodded for her to continue.

I wasn't really in the mood to talk to Sam, she never even told me how I managed to get into her apartment. I know I got myself drunk last night, but that's all I remember. I had downed some drinks, but after that, I don't remember anything. I was listening to what she was saying, but nothing was really sinking in. She was talking about how he caught us and whatever else, but nothing about who the guy was. 

'...He's my brother.' Welp there we go.

'You're what?' I stood up quickly, how could she not just have told me that before.

'Alex please sit down, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.' She tried to grab my arm but I managed to pull it away before she had the chance to.

'What the fuck was your brother doing in the closet? You know what Sam? Forget it.' I started to walk away but she managed to stop me.

'Let me go, Sam, I can't deal with this. Does he know about whatever the fuck this is?!' There was anger in my voice for sure, but can you blame me? 

'I didn't know he was in there okay? If I did, I wouldn't have done anything.' I tried to look for something in her eyes, but there was nothing. 

'Whatever.' I pushed past her and made my way to.. the lift? I stopped and turned around to Sam smirking at me.

'How do I get out?' I crossed my arms, still angry at her.

'Let me take you home.' She grabbed her car keys from the hook by the lift and gestured for me to get in. 


Lucky for me, I managed to get Sam's number when she dropped me off. I wasn't planning on it, but apparently she doesn't want me getting so drunk again. I had stopped going to class again, however. It had been 3 weeks since I'd seen Sam or even talked to her. I was still processing everything that went down. 

Her brother had apparently hidden in her closet to surprise her. Unlucky for her, she was with me, and now her brother knows that there is something going on between us. He sounds cool, but I would bet that he's out to get me. I've seen him around campus a few times, heading to the media building, probably looking for Sam. 

I did go to the media block almost every day, but I decided against classes. I, instead, worked on my essays and coursework. They still weren't due for another month, but I needed something to keep my busy. I hadn't seen Charlie much either, but apparently, she has a boyfriend. Balee and I don't talk much anymore, not since I got shit faced that night. Charles and I keep in contact a lot, he always wants me to go out and see 'the girl', apparently Sam goes to Ocean View more than she lets on. 

I haven't talked to my family much since coming to university. My sister doesn't talk much, and well my mother is too busy with the rest of the family to notice I've been gone. It's been quite peaceful, to be honest with you. I have had time to myself, which I haven't had in a long time. 

I decided to get an early night, I had an exam in the morning, oh the joys of exam week, so I need to get enough sleep. I like exams, they're peaceful, but when you've missed a lot of class, they're more stressful than not. 

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