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'What are you doing here Sam?' I studied Sam, who looked incredibly nervous.

'I'm meeting Charlie to help her with the research. I just wanted to come by and say sorry for the other day.' I sighed and looked down at the floor.

'Look. We don't know each other. We just got caught in the moment, it means nothing to me.' Sam sighed in relief, looking up our eyes locked for a brief moment before she looked away.

'Okay, good. Glad we sorted that. I have to go but i'll see you in class.' With that, Sam walked away toward the kitchen where Charlie was probably waiting for her. 

I shut my door and leaned back against it, sighing I let myself slide to the ground. Why did I get so nervous around her? After minutes of sitting, I got up and headed over to my desk to finish the research. It was 15:00, and I was planning on going to Ocean View tonight. I decided to spend another hour writing the essay before I started getting ready to go out. 

16:00 came quick enough and I was ready to shower. I decided on a low cut shirt with a black push up bra, just for the ladies. I also decided I was going to wear a mini skirt, for ease later on. i decided to stick to my flats as I was walking tonight. I hung all of my clothes on the back of my bathroom door and hopped in the shower. I decided on a quick shower as I wanted to get there for opening. 

I was in the shower 15 minutes before I was drying myself and doing my makeup. I decided on a light layer, I wasn't too much of a makeup fan anyway. After doing my makeup I got changed, I decided on a black lace thong, easy to remove and cute. I did my hair in the floor to ceiling length mirror next to my bathroom. I decided on keeping it down, straightening it and pinning my fringe back. 

The time was 17:30, half an hour before Ocean View opened. I grabbed my purse with my card, ID and phone in it. I decided against asking Balee and Charlie to come out, they would only curse me for hooking up with another stranger. The minute I was ready, I was out of the door and on my way to the bar. 

The air was getting colder, being end of September, but I liked it. I walked across the road and out of campus, almost tripping over the curb in the process.

'Hey you okay?' Luckily someone managed to catch me. I looked up at the person, recognising them instantly.

'Charles? Again?' I was surprised to see him, well it wasn't a total shock. He always seemed to be around when I tripped. 

'Catching you once again Alex, see nothing much changes.' Charles let me go out of his grasp once I steadied myself and stood up straight. He was a sweet guy, helping other people and not just me. 'Where you heading anyway?'

I looked up at him. 'Ocean View, where else would a fabulous lesbian like me go?' I winked at him, showing obvious signs I was being cocky.

'Well I was just heading there too, want to come with? Maybe I can find you a cute girl to hook up with.' He smirked at me. Wait. He was going too?

'I didn't know you were gay Charles.' He made a slight chuckle, tilting his head back slightly.

'You don't know many things about me Alex. But yes I am, now let me help you find someone to hook up with.' With that said we were both off down the road toward Ocean View. We talked about all sorts on our way there, and to my surprise we actually clicked nicely. 

It wasn't long before we got to the bar and were ordering our drinks. I had my usual while Charles had a soft drink, apparently he's no fun drunk. We both scouted the bar looking for someone cute to hook up with. Charles took one end while I took the other. I knew this was probably a bad idea, hooking up with someone knew all the time, but I was back in my game. 


After an hour or so, it was 19:00 and we decided that maybe there weren't any good looking girls out tonight. Both Charles and I decided on just drinking and more talking. We had fun looking for other girls, and I had fun forgetting about Sam.

There was nothing going on between us, but every time I was near her I felt like there was something more. I decided that for the last few weeks I would keep my distance, and that's exactly what I did. We never talked outside of class, nor did we talk in class. I blacked her and she blanked me. It was a simple teacher - student relationship, just with a lot of ignorance. Occasionally I would catch Sam looking at me, when she didn't think I was looking. But I would be lying if I said I didn't catch my self glancing at her as well. 

I had only been at university for a few weeks, but the awkward air between us was so intense, anyone with the right sense of mind could see it. I ignored every urge to talk to her, or just to get close enough to her. After class every day, I would make a runner for it out of her class before anyone else. Her attempts to talk to me failed.

I was dragged out of my thoughts by Charles, looking at me quizzically. 'Hey, so there's a really cute chick over there. Want me to get her over here?' Charles pointed over toward a cornered booth, but when I looked there was no one there.

'I don't see anyone.' I looked once again, only to be met with bright blue eyes. I didn't notice who it was at first, stuck in a trance of the persons eyes. 

Charles interrupted the stare. 'I'm guessing you have seen her?' I nodded, fixating myself on the girl once again. Only this time I was sure to take in what she looked like.

She had plaited brown hair all pulled to one side, and crystal blue eyes that light the entire bar. She was wearing, what looked like, a plaid shirt with a black vest under neath. Very Lesbian like. I couldn't see what else she was wearing, but I am sure it would look better on the floor. I focused myself back on her eyes, the familiarity of them drawing me in.

'Do you want me to get her over?' I pulled away from the stare once again to look at Charles.

'Uh- I-' 

'It's okay Alex, if you don't want to have your way with her all night then that's fine.' Charles smirked at me, content filling his eyes.

'I thin- No. I know that person.' I looked up at Charles, whose expression changed. 

'You do? I mean of course you do. You both were undressing each other with your eyes. Who is she anyway?' I looked back over at the booth where the girl sat, only to find it was empty again. 

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