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I awoke the next morning, in an unfamiliar place. It was just like my dorm room, just not my room. I sat up taking in my surroundings, clothes were all over the floor and I was butt naked. The blonde girl from the bar was laying next to me, also naked. What did I do?

Trying not to wake the girl, who's name I didn't know, I scurried to put on my clothes. Staring was heard from the bed as I was putting on my dress, quickly I ran toward the bathroom not letting her see me. When the staring stopped I grabbed my shoes and headed out the door, hoping she didn't notice.

Luckily this girl lived on the ground floor, so it was easy for me to escape. Her apartment wasn't far from my place either, so getting back would be a breeze. I was still trying to put my shoes on as I stumbled toward my apartment block, falling over the curb in the process.

'Woah, you alright there?' I looked up to see a tall lad stood over me. He helped me up and brushed off my shoulders. 'Long night I take it? I'm Charles.'

I looked at the floor in embarrassment. 'Hey, uh yeah hence the clothing choice. I'm Alex.' I held my hand out for him to shake, which he did willingly.

'Where do you live, you still look drunk.' I felt the het rising in my cheeks, he was right I was still slightly drunk. I pointed to my apartment block, as Charles looked over his shoulder.

He held my waist as we stumbled over to my apartment block. I was studying the ground trying not to trip anymore, I had enough embarrassment for one day. Within minutes we made it to my apartment block, and I rummaged through my bag for my keys.

'You going to be okay to get to your flat?' I nodded and with that Charles smiled.

'Thanks Charles, for helping me.' He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder.

'No problem Alex, anything to help. But I better be going, I have an interview.'

'Well hopefully I'll see you around, good luck with the interview.' And with that he smiled and walked away, leaving me at the entrance to the apartment flat.

I decided to take the lift to my floor, walking the stairs would just be a nightmare. I stumbled into the lift and pressed every button till I managed to press the 6th floor button. I leant against the bar at the back of the lift, holding my head in my hands. Why did I hook up with a stranger? I want to be the old me again, but a stranger? I should've at least got her name. That was my thing, getting her name, having small talk, then going to her place and bailing before she woke up the next morning.

All thoughts were running through my mind as the lift binged at each floor. Eventually it binged on the 6th floor and I managed to get out without falling. I reached for my key to let me in to the flat, leaning against the doorframe trying not to fall over. I got the key in the lock after a few attempts, swinging the door open causing it to make a loud bang. A giggle escaped my lips as I stumbled to my room unlocking it, causing that door to also make a loud bang. I didn't know what the time was, I didn't even know what day it was.


After what felt like hours, I was showered and decent looking. I had taken a quick nape when I got back to the apartment to refresh myself, and decided on a long shower to wash off last nights mistakes. I decided on sweats and an oversized hoodie, I wasn't doing much today and the last thing I wanted to d was look decent. I was going lazy and had absolutely no regrets.

I walked out of my room to the kitchen to make a coffee, but as I entered I was greeted by a bunch of angry teenagers. Everyone turned to look at me as I entered, making me feel small and cornered.

'What the hell were you thinking?' I looked over at Balee who spoke up first, anger was in his tone.

'I'm sorry what?' I was so confused, they had no reason to be so angry at me.

'You coming in at 6:00 this morning causing a right ruckus, waking all of us up. Couldn't you be more quiet? And not to mention you ditched Charlie and me for that stupid blonde girl. You didn't even know her name!' Balee was angry I could see that, but I was drunk and didn't realise my actions.

'I'm sorry, I didn't realise I made such a noise this morning. It won't happen again.' I slowly walked over to the kettle to make myself a coffee. I didn't want to deal with anyone today, not if they were so angry at me.

I made my coffee quick enough and went back to my room. I decided that I could start on some work, since I didn't pay any attention in class the other day. Not that I was in the mood, but what else was I supposed to do? My sister was back in Reading, and I wasn't going to go back there for a day trip.

The work wasn't that hard, just a lot of research on media prospects and where it originated from. It sounds complex to some people, but research was my thing. I had Spotify open on one screen, Microsoft Word on another and of course all my research on the other screen. I had my coffee on my desk keeping me alive through all of this, though i would most likely need another one soon.

A few hours passed and the research was almost done. I started feeling weary and decided it would be convenient for me to take a nap, just to give me my energy back. I tucked myself in happily into bed, snuggling up close to the wall. I let sleep take over me whilst I slipped into my own world.

'Alex do you mind passing me the paper work?' I reached back behind Sam for the pile of papers to give to her, our arms brushing slightly in the process.

'Here you go.' I handed them to her, her hand holding mine as she took them from me. Both of us looking at our hands then back into each others eyes.

Everything around us fading away, like it was just us left in the world. Sam removed her hand from mine, putting the papers down in front of her. A piece of hair falling in front of her face, but quick enough I pushed it behind her ear stroking her cheek with my thumb in the process. Her face reddened slightly as I did so, causing her to look down at the ground.

After moments of silence, Sam looked back up at me, our eyes locking. Her hand made it's way to my thigh, gently tracing circles over it. My eyes flickered from her mouth back to her eyes a few times, as if we were in sync hers did the same. My heart was pounding in my chest, slowly moving closer to her. My eyes still flickering between her mouth and eyes, before focussing on her lips. I bit my lip slightly, which caused Sam to lean in even closer.

A few moments passed, my heart still pounding in my chest. We were both close enough to feel each others pulse, neither of us threatening to move away. Without more thought I held the back of her neck and leaned in more, our lips touched within an instant causing fireworks to go over inside of me. She tasted like cherry's and happiness, her lips moving in sync with mine. Neither of us pulled away, her hand trailing further up my thigh threatening to go under my skirt.

I was snapped out of my dreams with a bang at my door. I groaned as I got out of bed, whoever it was better have a reason to be waking me up. I forcefully opened my door expecting it to be Balee or Charlie, but instead I was greeted with Sam.

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