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So I spent the evening with my sister, which surprisingly enough went quite fast. We talked about how my first week was going so far, and how freshers fair went. Not that she really cared, she had done all of this before. I told her how I joined the netball team and how I found the best gay bar in town. But to no surprise, she just nodded and brushed everything off. 

'Terry, do you have to go back today?' I hugged my sister tightly, not wanting to let go.

'Alex you know I have to, unlike some people I have a job.' Ouch, low blow. I let go of her to watch her smile at me as she left me at the entrance to the apartment block.

Now I was on my own. It was Saturday so I didn't really have much to do. I missed my sister, even though she was a jerk to me. More so I missed my mum. She really cared about me, she even called me the other day asking how I was. I obviously didn't tell her about Sam, my tutor. i would've but she would've cursed knowing I flirted with my tutor at a gay bar. Not like it really mattered what she thought, me being gay was enough to piss her off. But as long as I didn't shove it in her face, our relationship was great. 

'Hey Alex, have you done the assignment for Media?' I was dragged out of my daydream to Charlie stood opposite me.

'Shit no, it's due Monday right?' I looked at my phone quickly, 14:00. I had enough time to get the first half done if I started quick enough.

'Yeah, well really midnight tomorrow. I bumped into our tutor, Sam right?' I looked down at Charlie who was still in the doorway.

'Yeah, did she have anything to say?' Both of us decided to start walking up the stairs to our flat as we continued talking.

'Just that she'll give you your shirt back tomorrow.' With that Charlie smirked and ran the rest of the journey up the stairs. 

What was that smirk for? I was simply being a good person. I made it to our flat by 14:05, so I had plenty of time to get the assignment started. I plugged in my headphones and got my laptop ready and set up. I put Spotify on my monitor with the research on my other laptop. I decided to use the small laptop to do all my work on, it made it easier to hand in then. 


23:55. I had 5 minutes to hand in the assignment, and I was nowhere near finished. I had been cooped up in my room since yesterday afternoon. I only left for food, and of course to get a drink. My head was hurting and everything was spinning. There was no way I was going to get this handed in on time. 

Before second thoughts I opened up my emails and started one to Sam.

To Sam: So I won't be able to hand in the assignment on time, Sorry

Immediately I got a response,

From Sam: Hey, long time no talk. Meet me at Ocean View tomorrow, I'll help you with the rest. xo

After reading the email, tingles ran through my spine. Why did she want to help me so eagerly? We had only met a couple days before, when she totally hit on me at the bar. But after that she ignored everything. Well until that day I got coffee all over her. 

I decided to just accept that maybe Sam just wanted to help me. I got ready for bed pretty swiftly, exhaustion now taking over my body. Everything felt heavy, like the world was expecting me to keep it up. Or like a ship was expecting me to keep it afloat. I swiftly got changed into into boxers and a baggy t-shirt, and curled up in bed letting sleep take over me. 

I woke at 5:00 a pounding sensation running through my head. The effects of exhaustion catching up with me as I struggled to open my eyes. I rolled over, causing myself to fall out of bed. I yelped in pain, abrupt awakening that was. I sat up, crossing my legs on the floor, letting myself come round before even attempting to move. 

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