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We continued the night with nothing but chit chat and lots of alcohol. By the end of the night, both Charles and I were so wasted, we didn't know what foot was what. We were walking into doors and chatting up chairs, we thought half of the bar was floating into the abyss. We both knew we had class in the morning, but we were too busy drinking out the bar. 

My head was banging, I could barely open my eyes. The light was blinding me, and I had nothing to cover my eyes with. Instead of fighting the light, I decided on getting up from the uncomfortable position I was in. The pain in my head got worse with every movement I made, causing me to flop back into that uncomfortable position. I tried bringing my hands up to look at them, but they weren't even attached to my arms. They were floating around my head. 

I turned my head to the left, only to see Charles flat out on the floor. His leg propped up on a stool, and his trousers half way around his legs. There was definitely drool around his mouth as well, disgusting. I tried getting up this time, a lot slower than last time. After a couple attempts, I managed to get myself into a sitting position. I rummaged around for a minute or so hunting down my phone, only to find my bag over the other side of the bar.

Instead of going straight over to my bag, I walked up to the bar and got 2 glasses of water. My head was still pounding, but there was no use searching for pills in an empty bar. I squinted my way over to where Charles was still flat out on the floor. I kicked the bar stool away from where he was, causing his leg to fall hard on the floor. All I got out of that was a slight grunt and that was it. 

'Wake up, we need to go.' I knelt down to where he was, leaving the glass of water next to him. I picked his arm up as high as I could before letting it drop. Again another grunt escaped his mouth. I left Charles on the floor for a moment, walking over to where my bad rested. I quickly got my phone out, only to find it was dead. Just great.

In defeat, I put it back in my bag and slung my bag over my shoulder. Charles was still on the floor so I decided to nudge him, with my foot, to get him to move. After a few attempts, he rolled over allowing me to see his very hungover state. 

'Alex? Is that you? Why are you floating so much?' I laughed at Charles who was covering his eyes from the light. 

'Tell me about it. My hands have been floating.' He chuckled, trying to get himself to sit up. 'We're still drunk aren't we?' He nodded, finally pulling himself up and against the bar. 

After we both finished our waters, I put them on the bar and helped Charles up. It took a lot more effort than I thought it would, he was like a piece of lead. Eventually, however, I managed to get him up and off the floor. We both stumbled into each other and into walls, as we tried to make our way out of the bar. 

We stumbled out of the bar, only to cause us to fall into the railing sat between the path and the road. 'I vote we call a taxi.' Before Charles could answer, I grabbed his phone and called the local taxi company. 'They should be here in 15.' Charles nodded, leaning all his weight on the railing.

After the painful wait, the taxi had arrived and both Charles and I stumbled into the back of it. The taxi driver asked us about where we were going, but we had completely forgotten where we even lived. 

'University.. uh... yeah there.' He nodded back at us in the rear view mirror and drove us toward the university. 

It didn't take us long to get back to the university, considering it was only a 15-minute walk, and we were handing the driver the money and stumbling our way out of the car. Me, being the soberest, helped Charles get to his apartment flat first. Luckily the lift was in tact, so I shoved him in it, before leaving to make my way to my apartment complex. 

Our lift was actually working for a first, so I quickly got in it and pressed the button for the 3rd floor. Once on the floor to my flat, I stumbled out of the lift and into the wall opposite. I managed to keep myself from falling, only to use the wall as support. Within a minute or so, I made it to my flat and unlocked the door. 

The apartment sounded desolate like no one had been here in a while. But that didn't bother me, I was more focused on getting to my room so I could take a nap. I managed to find my room with ease and unlocked the door to get in. My room was a complete tip, everything was everywhere and there was no place to move.  

I stumbled into my bathroom, deciding to get a shower to clean myself up. I started taking my clothes off, thinking extra carefully as I did so. I started with my shoes, slipping them off before working on the rest of my clothes. I quickly turned the shower on and got in without a second thought. I didn't have a long shower, only enough to wash the smell of alcohol off my body. 

I got out of the shower, feeling slightly soberer than I did earlier, and walked to my wardrobe to get some slacks. I decided on baggy sweatpants and an oversized jumper, the perfect combination for a hangover day. I didn't bother to do my hair, letting it flow freely around my shoulders. 

After changing and sorting my dirty clothes from the clean ones, I went to my desk to check for updates. I turned on the computer only to see the time was 12:25. My class had started at 10:00 and of course I missed it. Shrugging it off, I opened my emails to find 15 unread. I flipped through them quickly, some were spam but a couple were from Sam.

Hey Alex,

You didn't turn up to class this morning, so I have attached the work you have missed.


I opened up another email, also from Sam.


Sorry to bother you again, but I'm guessing you are still hungover from last night. I noticed you were with someone, it's good to see you're making friends. I know he was trying to get you to hook up with girls, do you need to talk to someone? I can arrange for a counsellor. 

Just making sure you're okay.


I sighed to myself, deleting the emails. I kept the folders of the work I missed, making sure I was to work on them today. I know exams were coming up, but I couldn't be bothered to deal with Sam today, or ever again. After taking a deep breath, I opened up the folders that were in the emails. There was a mock test in one, which I knew I would never pass, and another had all the test answers in them. 

Quizzically I looked at the answer sheet. They were all the answers to the test she also sent me. I decided that I was just going to cheat my way through this exam, and used the answers to fill in the test. I changed some words around to look like it was my own work and then sent it off to Sam in a very blunt email. 

After completing the test, I decided I had done enough for the day and shut down my computer. I closed my blinds and turned on my fairy lights. Darkness I liked, but with a little light, it makes it all perfect. I then cleared off the clothes from my bed and climbed in, letting sleep take over me. 

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