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21st December 2016. I'm here, alone, in my dorm. Exam week was 2 weeks ago and yay for me I flunked the lot. Balee and Charlie left for Christmas break last week, and everyone else? Well I don't even remember the lot of them. I went out with Charles last night, of course he tried to hook me up with Sam. We actually managed to have a conversation for the first time in weeks. Her brother apparently is still in town, reminding her that I am her student, and well I'm not even allowed home. My mother calls every day to make sure I'm not drunk, and my sister left. So this just leaves me, here in Plymouth. 

A new club opened last night, The Click, but I never managed to check it out. Charles plans to drag me down there later, once I catch up on coursework that is. I forgot to mention, I met someone. We are just friends, but I think she wants something more. We met at Ocean View, and I swear the minute she gave me her number, Sam stormed out. Her name is Ellisa. She's so sweet to me, she even calls most days to make sure I'm not blacked out drunk. She's not Sam, but she treats me well.


'Hey, it's me again. I know we don't talk much, but I just need to know you're okay. Call me.' I deleted the voicemail before throwing my phone on my bed. This was the 10th time in 2 weeks she's tried calling. From the lat time we encountered each other, she made it pretty clear she didn't like me. 

I felt myself tensing, before suddenly relaxing. Warm arms loosly wrapped around me, as I leant back into the person. Ellisa. I closed my eyes, humming a soft tune as she held me. I'm never one for cheesy romance, but her arms around me was lovely. She calmed me down. 

'Hey you.' I turned around in her arms, kissing her forehead. Ellisa was about 2 inches shorter than me, so I could be the big spoon and kiss her forehead. 

'She called again didn't she? Who is this Sam anyway?' I looked down at the floor, we'd been together for about a month, and not once did I tell her about my 'relationship' with Sam.

'She's just an old friend checking up on me. No need to worry sweet.' I escaped from her grasp before picking my phone off my bed and grabbing my jacket. 

'Me and Charles are going to The Click tonight. I'll see you Saturday right?' I kissed Ellisa on the forehead before walking to the door, letting myself out. 

I hadn't seen Charles in a week, apparently his family did a surprise visit and took him away. It was only 6.30pm, but I knew we were stopping by Ocean View for pre-drinks. We were meeting up by the Media Building, the last place I wanted to be. 

Sam scoffed at me when she found out iI was with Ellisa, yet she calls most days making sure I'm okay. Ellisa hates it, she thinks Sam is a needy ex or something. So tonight, I'm forgetting about the both of them, and thinking of myself. 

'Hey girl.' The minute I saw Charles, I ran at full speed.

'I've missed you so much. Never leave me again.' Charles pulled away chuckling. 

'Ellisa getting on your tits?' He started walking away toward the bar, causing me to catch him up.

'I like her Charles, I really do. But sometimes she just get's too clingy. She keeps asking me who people are when they call. I don't know, it's just hard work. I feel nice when I'm with her, she calms me down when I tense. I just don't see a future with her.' I linked arms with Charles who sighed heavily.

'Honey, I hate to say this, but you need to end things. You can't keep a relationship going on an empty flame.' I looked down at the floor. He was right, I can't keep her on, especially if I have other people on my mind.

'You're right. I see her again Saturday, I'll end things then.' I looked up at Charles who pulled me closer.

When we got to Ocean View, the place was empty. It was early still, but not even the regulars were there. We both walked up to the bar, ordering our drinks and sitting at a booth near the door. It must have been 20 minutes before anyone even entered the bar. I didn't bother to take notice as to who it was, probably just one of the usuals coming in late. Not long after, I decided to get my drunken ass another wiskey and coke. As I was ordering, I heard a familiar voice. I didn't take much notice, until I turned to go back to the booth buping into the person causing my drink to spill everywhere. 

'Oh my God, I am so sorry.' I looked up to the person, Sam.

'Hey Alex. Thanks for the greeting.' She chuckled, grabbing some napkins.

'Sam. I-I am so sorry. Here let me help.' I quickly grabbed more napkind dabbing at her shirt. 

'It's fine. I should go clean myself up.' The first time we talked in ages, and I ruin it. Before she could walk away I grabbed her arm, causing her to fall into me.

'Sorry- I um- Come with me, I'll help you get cleaned up.' Sam looked down at her shirt then back up at me.

'Sure, but what about your friend?' I looked over at Charles who was smirking over at me.

'He will be just fine on his own. Lets get you out of here.' I dragged Sam out of the bar and toward my dorm.

'Alex, you don't have to do this.' I looked at Sam before crossing over to the University campus.

'We need to talk, so we can do it back at my place.' We didn't talk for the rest of the walk back to my dorm. We gave each other weird glances, and held hands breifly before pulling away. 

Once we got back to my dorm, I gave Sam a change of clothes and told her to get showered. 

'Alex. Look at me.' i stayed looking at the floor. 

'We can talk after you have a shower.' Sam didn't say a word. Instead she pulled me into her causing us to fall over with me on top of her. 

Before I could even think, our lips were crashing together and my shirt was on the floor. It felt like I was at home. It all felt so right. Our lips moved perfectly in sync, our bodies moulded together perfectly. Kissing Sam felt so right. Both ouf our shirts were on the floor, without second through. My hands trailing up her side, my lips against her neck. We were so involved in what we were doing, neither of us heard the door open.

'ALEX WHAT THE HELL!' Both Sam and I jumped apart. A very angry Ellisa stood in the door way, her face from pale pink to red. If looks could kill, we'd be arranging my funeral right now.

'Ellisa, it's not what it looks like.' She scoffed at me, pussing me away before I could even get near.

'Is this your way of ending it? With HER? She's the one that's been calling isn't she?' I didn't even have time to speak before the door was slammed shut, and it was just Sam and I, alone. 

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