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I awoke in complete darkness. The only thing allowing me to see was my fairy lights. I rolled on my side, hoping to fall back asleep. But luck was not on my side when I couldn't get back to sleep. I decided to check my phone for the time, 05:42. Only just under an hour until I needed to get up. I chose against trying to fall back asleep and instead got out of bed. 

I made my way out of my room sluggishly and toward the kitchen. Every door was locked shut, and silence filled the air. I walked into the kitchen, oblivious to my surroundings, and walked to the kettle. I started pouring my coffee when a loud cough came from behind me. I turned around quickly, shocked to see Balee stood with his arms crossed.

'Balee hey, haven't seen you in a while.' I went to go hug him, but he pushed me away.

'I haven't seen you in over a month Alex. Every morning you wake me up, you stumble into the flat giggling completely drunk.' He looked quite angry, but I couldn't blame him. 

'I'm sorry man, I've been busy with coursework.' I grabbed my coffee and started walking out, only to be stopped by Balee who stood in front of me. 

'I know you've been sleeping around, Charlie said you haven't been to class in a week. You need to sort your shit out, Alex.' I looked down at the floor, embasement covering my whole face. 'Alex, is there something we should know about? Both Charlie and I are worried about you.' 

I sighed looking back up at Balee. 'My teacher, Sam, there was like a weird thing between us. Every time we were together it was awkward and sparks would fly. I decided to ignore it and go back to my old self, my college self.' I knew Balee was made at me, so I avoided all eye contact with him.

'Well, you need to cut it out. This isn't you Alex.' I looked him in the eye, cautiously. He looked worried, but he had nothing to be worried about. In response to him, I nodded. I started walking out of the kitchen, Balee allowing me to do so.

I got to my room, slamming the door behind me. I didn't care if I woke anyone up, they obviously didn't like me that much anymore. I mean at least I didn't bring different girls into the flat, I was simply going to their flat. I managed not to slam my coffee on my desk, sighing as I threw myself into the chair. What had gotten into you Alex? Focus, that's why you're here.

I opened up my laptop, I needed to catch up properly on all the work I had missed. I managed to do some last night, but I need to do it all if I want to get a 1st this year. I looked at what I had left to complete, which actually wasn't that much. I had to fill out a form to say that I can take any books I need from the library, and just an essay for the comparisons of different types of media. 

I had spent most of the morning doing assignments, I had class but I wasn't in the mood to go. Plus if I wanted to catch up I would have to miss that class, I can do the work I missed later today. As I was finishing the work, a notification popped up on my laptop. I opened it quickly, trying to get back to my work. It was another email from Sam.


You missed class again, I have attached all the work. If you could come to my office today at 13:30 I would be grateful.


I checked the time, 12:45. I needed to leave at 13:15 if I wanted to get there in time. I quickly finished the work that I had left to do and looked over the work I was sent briefly. By the time I was finished it was just gone 13:00, so I decided to make myself look somewhat decent and head off to Sam's office. 

I decided on black skinny jeans and a baggy jumper. It looked decent enough. I threw my hair in a high pony tail, not bothering to wash it at all. I grabbed my bag with a few books in it and headed off out my room. I decided it would be a good idea to tell someone, so they don't think I'm going to go sleeping around. I found Balee in his room with his door open, I quickly mentioned to him about Sam needing to see me. Then I was off toward her office. 

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