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Yoongi was sat next to Jimin's body; hopelessly praying that he would wake up. Yoongi had gotten used to the smell of the hospital but he'd never get used to seeing Jimin laying there. He had a tube that went through his nose and to his stomach. His body was connected by all types of wires of which Yoongi didn't have a clue about. Silently tears stained his pale cheeks, he felt helpless and lost.

"Please Jimin, wake up," He mumbled once more yet it was no use. Yoongi couldn't keep count of the amount of doctors that had been into to ask him questions and examine Jimin's unconscious body. Every time Yoongi had to repeat what happened to him, he broke down crying. His eyes stung from all the tears. He wanted this to just be a nightmare - at least he could wake up from a nightmare. He hated saying that he found Jimin passed out in the kitchen with his arms covered in cuts and how he saw a pill bottle completely empty. Namjoon and Jin had came in for a while to support Yoongi but they didn't stay.

"Yoongi?" Jimin's voice was sleepy and sounded confused but he was awake nonetheless. Yoongi looked at Jimin, a wave of relief ran over his whole body and his eyes regained their usual shine.

That was a few months ago now.

Jimin was safely back at home after undergoing countless therapy sessions and gaining weight; which Yoongi helped with. All the comments on twitter had stopped and were replaced with love and support. Yoongi and Jimin was now a couple, even though none of the Army knew about it yet. Jimin actually felt happy again.

Every now and then he would fall back into depression and into old habits but Yoongi and everyone else would help him back out of it. He was back into dancing and singing, he was back into meeting fans and he felt his normal self, joking around with all of the members and bullying Jungkook. He felt happy.

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