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Park Jimin;

Yoongi's alarm emitted a different song, today was our first comeback concert. Yoongi murmured before turning his phone off and throwing it on the floor, he said good morning to me before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. After a quick hour or so of getting showered and ready we went out into the brightly lit hallway to wait for other members. Yoongi seemed as calm and collected as always whereas my own nerves were showing.

By the time we had ran through all the checks again it was already past lunch time, one of the staff members brought through seven bowls of noodles and some sweet snacks. Due to nerves I couldn't bring myself to eat more then two mouthfuls.

"Come guys, time to get ready," one of our makeup artists said amongst the hustle of the dressing room. We all followed the small woman to where the comfy looking chairs were and the racks of clothes. We all got handed plain black t-shirts and black skinny jeans, as the three staff members looked at the tags they gave us the correct jackets; some of us had leather or bomber jackets and either trainers or boots. Me and Jin got hurried towards the hair and makeup chair, in no time we were both done.

Mum: Look for us in the crowd, we'll be there cheering you on! Me and your father can't wait to see you, make us proud xx

"Jiminie, you'll be fine, you're just worrying too much, remember that you have all of us to back you up," Jin comforted me, soon Jungkook joined us on the sofa. To no surprise, his parents were also watching the concert. Jungkook begun to poke me and mess about which settled my nerves slightly.

"Five minutes," one of the staff members informed, we all had a group hug before hurrying through the manic corridor and onto the lowered platform. Everyone got handed a microphone and an earpiece which we all hurried to put in, Yoongi squeezed my hand as the music begun blaring through the cacophony of the fans screams. The rush of excitement replaced all nerves as the platform raised, Jungkook begun singing as we all danced the correct choreography.

As planned, it was time to thank the fans for all they've done for us over the past years. Namjoon went first, it was all getting quite emotional. Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung swiftly followed, Jungkook went before me. As he scoured through the crowd in search of his parents, everyone helped point them out, as he thanked them for being so supportive years begun to roll down his cheeks. Taehyung ran over to him in order to give him a hug. I took a deep breath before raising my microphone.

"I just want to say thank you, without all your support I wouldn't be here on this stage, also I want to thank all the members stood beside me, you all believed in me when I didn't believe in myself and you never fail in picking me up when I'm down," I felt myself tearing up, "also I want to thank my parents who are here," our fans were quick to point out my mother and father's beaming faces, I couldn't help but burst into tears, I missed them so much, "thank you for supporting me through everything." I bowed to them as Yoongi placed his arm around my shoulder. Namjoon quickly finished up the whole talk.

Cypher Pt.4 begun to play, everyone was rapping along (including Taehyung), my nerves spiked as Tony Montana rang through the arena, Yoongi started; obviously causing an uproar in the crowd over his lyrics and voice. Then it was my turn, the screams increased. I'm surprised they didn't lose their voice. As the song came to a close me and Yoongi stood back to back as the lights faded. Everyone joined us on the stage to say our goodbyes and final thanks, much to our dismay, we made our way off the stage and back into the dressing room. We were all still excited but at the same time exhausted, the crew members took our earpieces and microphones from us. We thanked them all for their hard work.

My mother and father entered the dressing room, followed by Jungkook's. We both ran over to them and gave them possibly the biggest hugs we could muster. As we all sat on the sofa, we all talked between us.

"I'm just glad that you're all taking care of each other, it's obvious you're all a happy little family," my mother smiled. She often expressed how glad she was that we all looked out for each other, although she didn't know what had happened a few months back with the whole eating disorder.

"Jin, you're an amazing cook right?" My father asked, Jin simply nodded somewhat scared as to what was coming next, "you should fatten our Jiminie up a bit," he smiled concerned. I slightly grimace with worry, I didn't want them to know. After about an hour our parents chose to leave, it was getting quite late, we all said our goodbye and a promise to 'fatten' me up a bit more.

Namjoon praises us as we all made our way up the hotel steps, now the adrenaline had worn off we were all about to collapse. Yoongi lazily unlocked the door before he collapsed onto the bed, I went into the bathroom to wash all the makeup off my face before quickly jumping into the shower. Yoongi did the same as I laid on the bed, I crawled under the duvet as I felt myself dropping off to sleep.

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