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Park Jimin;

I woke up and quickly looked around for my phone, I picked it up off Yoongi's carpet. There was quite a lot of talking downstairs. I opened Twitter and looked at the selfie that was posted last night. I decided to man up a bit and look through the comments, many of them were filled with love and talking about how cute we all looked. My eyes set on a comment that made my heart drop, as if on cue Yoongi pushed the door open with two cups. I thanked him and forced a smile but I knew he could see right through it, I quickly locked my phone and took a sip of the sweet coffee.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked, he looked up at me and I shook my head. His eyes stayed latched onto mine, he didn't get an answer. He picked up my phone and typed in my password, "you don't believe these right?" He said giving me a concerned look. I shook my head again in hopes that he wouldn't worry or start monitoring me again. Although, them comments were right; I had gained too much weight, my abs were nonexistent so I should workout more.

"Good morning," Jungkook smiled as we took a seat in the living room. I smiled back at him before he stuck his tongue out at me.

"What's the plan for today?" Yoongi's asked looking around the large room.

"Well, me, Namjoon and Hoseok are going food shopping and Tae and Kookie are going to the gym then do whatever," Jin said looking up from his phone. I chose to go with Jungkook and Taehyung, I needed to workout. Yoongi said he'd much rather stay at home and sleep but Jin argued with him a bit before forcing him to go with them.

Min Yoongi;

"I'm worried about Jimin," I spoke as I walked behind Namjoon and Hoseok, I clutched onto the handle of the shopping cart a little tighter as they all looked at me with questioning eyes, "there was more comments about his weight, he told me he's fine but I don't believe him," I continued to explain.

"We'll all keep an eye on him Yoongi," Jin sighed placing his arm over my shoulder and sending me a reassuring smile. I knew we would all look after him but the dread of him ending up in hospital again haunted my mind. I couldn't cope with seeing him in another hospital bed.

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