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Min Yoongi;

A loud bang echoed into my room from the bathroom snapping me from my thoughts. I abruptly stood up from my bed and ran over to the small room at the end of the hallway. I twisted the cold handle and the door swung open. The bright room held Jimin's body; laid on the floor with two deep cuts on his arm that was followed by many other smaller ones and a pool of blood already on the floor.

"No no no, shit," I yelled as I pulled him onto my lap. I grabbed a white towel from the radiator and placed it on Jimin's self inflicted wounds and applied pressure to limit the amount of blood loss, but he was pale and cold. Taehyung and Jungkook entered the room in a panic as I begun to sob out of fear. Taehyung quickly called for an ambulance as all the members crowded round. Namjoon soon took them all downstairs leaving myself and Jin to monitor Jimin's condition until the paramedics arrived.

Park Jimin;

I squinted at the brightness of the fussy room as muffled sounds submerged me into a sea of confusion. I light pressure was on my arm and hand, the muffled sounds started to merge into sobs, until it hit me; the dark haired male held gripping onto me was Yoongi. He looked up at me, a strong sob of what seemed like relief filled the room.

"Please don't leave me Jimin," he muttered, his dark eyes releasing even more tears. My heart ached along side the stitches and IV tube in my arms. The little strength I had was wasted on thankful cries; I didn't want to leave Yoongi, I didn't want it leave BTS or ARMY...I just wanted to leave the nagging voice behind but is that even possible?

"I love you Yoongi,"

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