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Park Jimin;

I woke up to Yoongi's alarm blearing through the silent room, although we didn't have to be up very early today, I couldn't help but groan at the song. Roughly midday we had to go to the arena to give everything a run through and allow the sound technicians to gather their bearings. Yoongi sighed as he turned his alarm off.

"Morning babe," I smiled as I placed a kiss on his forehead, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips but he simply hummed, he waved his hand in order to tell me to wake him up when I'm done. I giggled, he somewhat reminded me of a tired grandpa in the mornings. I slid out of bed and entered the small and spotless bathroom, I flicked the shower on to warm up whilst I got out of my clothes, I stepped into the shower; after about ten minutes I decided to dry myself off and brush my teeth. I threw on a black and white top and some ripped jeans before going back into the room. Yoongi was surprisingly awake.

As I waited for Yoongi to finish in the bathroom I scrolled through Twitter instantly seeing a selfie of Jungkook and Taehyung messing around with some filters, I must admit, they're cute together. I chose not to look at the comments just as a precaution but the ones I did see were full of support for the concert tomorrow.

"I don't know about you, but I'm ravenous," Jin sighed, Namjoon glanced at him with a look of confusion. I looked behind me to see Jungkook and Taehyung with bags under their eyes and their hair a mess.

"But you ate biscuits five minutes ago," Namjoon laughed, Jin sent him a death stare before hitting him on the shoulder. Anyone would think his middle name is food - I mean he has an image of a meal as his lock screen. We entered the large dining area of the hotel and took a seat at one of the largest tables available.

I followed the youngest two to the endless array of breakfast foods and little snacks. Jungkook chose to have some waffles coated in chocolate spread whilst Taehyung and I had a bowl of fruit yoghurt, I sat across from Yoongi who decided to only have a small apple and a cup of coffee. We decided to take things pretty slow seen as though a staff member was supposed to be picking us up in an hour.

As the rush of simply standing on the large stage washed over us all, the crew members went over what today was going to consist of; which was just a general run through and a whole load of equipment checks. We took our places as our opening song blasted through the speakers and into my earpiece, the lights shone brightly on our faces we begun the dance routine. As we smoothly ran through all the songs the testing was done with.

The rap line asked to run through Cyper Pt.4 again which of course was completely fine, Taehyung decided to join in with the chorus. Me and Yoongi also ran through Tony Montana which was an impulse choice to make it a duet between the two of us, I knew I wasn't the best at rapping which sent nerves everywhere but I was pretty excited. Taehyung ran around the whole stage yelling 'turn up' which only elevated the joyous atmosphere.

Once we were all happy with our preparations we called it a day due to exhaustion, we wondered down a few streets in search of a café. We found one that was pretty much empty, Jin ordered two large pizzas for us all to share.

"Are we allowed to go for a bit of a walk around Busan?" Taehyung asked before taking a sip of cola. Taehyung, Jungkook and myself all looked at Namjoon with the classic puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing but just make sure you're back at the café in two hours," Namjoon smiled. Yoongi decided to join us, probably to make sure that we didn't do anything stupid. We aimlessly wondered down the dark streets, we looked in and out of a few shops that illuminated the dim night and took a few pictures of the scenery, Busan was beautiful at night; shades of blue and purple merged together to bring the streets to life. Yoongi's hand held mine tightly.

I rushed into Jungkook and Taehyung's room, I abruptly opened V-live whilst Jungkook struggled with a bag of sweets, as the number of viewers climbed we decided to play hide and seek blindfolded. After an intense game of rock, paper, scissors, Jungkook was the first seeker. I scrambled towards the headboard whilst Taehyung hid under the mattress. After just over an hour we said goodbye to everyone watching, we had a big day tomorrow so I chose to go straight back to my room, Yoongi was laid in bed on his phone.

Yoongi talked to me about the live stream and how I should have been more careful due to the concert tomorrow, I snuggled into Yoongi as we talked about our main concerns and how much our nerves were getting the better of us, we both knew that everything would disappear once we were actually performing. After a few minutes of silence, Yoongi dropped to sleep yet my mind was way too excited to think about sleep, I just wanted to be the best for our fans and see all of them happy.

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