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Min Yoongi;

A soft knock emitted from my door, I flicked my bedside lamp on and told the person to come in, half expecting it to be Jimin I was a bit confused as to why Namjoon was stood in the doorway. He ran his fingers through his bleached hair, I couldn't help but notice his slightly chiselled abs.

"Are you okay?" I asked, he nodded before proceeding to ramble on about a new song idea that he needed a bit of help with. I agreed to help him seen as though his ideas actually sounded pretty interesting and like a bit of fun.

"Also I think you, Jin and Jungkook should do a song together but I'll let you get some sleep now," Namjoon smiled as he closed my door. I pulled my headphones from my floor, I chose a random playlist on Spotify as my mind continued to race. My main concern was Jimin, I needed to help him yet I knew I'd have to have help from everyone else but I also didn't want to put pressure on them all.

Park Jimin;

"Hyung," Jungkook softly spoke as he gently shook my shoulders, I opened my eyes to look at the tall male. I could have sworn we had nowhere to be, I looked at him in a state of sleepy confusion, "Namjoon wants us to go to the recording studio but there's no need to rush," Jungkook answered. I groaned as he left the room.

I opened my drawers in search of something to wear, as I rummaged through my tops I couldn't quite choose which one to wear. I made my way into Yoongi's room and opened the door, the room was empty so I hastily grabbed one of his t-shirts not really caring what design it had on it. I couldn't help but notice how large I was on my body.

Min Yoongi;

I placed mine and Jimin's coffee onto the table as I collapsed into one of the chairs. Jungkook had just returned form waking Jimin up, I would have gone up myself but I was way too tired to move. Jin was making pancakes whilst Taehyung attempted to help yet Jin insisted that he sat down, I chose to join Namjoon and Hoseok's conversation. As Jin put the plate full of pancakes onto the table, Jimin walked into to kitchen. He looked adorable in my top, yet it was worryingly baggy on him.

I silently watched him, now only half concentrating on the conversation that spread around the table. He took a slice of toast and begun to nibble the corner of it, I was glad he was eating yet slightly surprised that I'd didn't even have to ask him. I thought it was only fair that I ate breakfast too.

I followed everyone into the main room in the studio, to be perfectly honest, it was a mess. Sheets of ideas scattered the wooden floor alongside cans of soda and a few alcoholic drinks. Namjoon handed me, Jin and Jungkook a sheet that had the lyrics of 'Far Away' on, I read through it and between us we highlighted our parts. Namjoon played the backing track for us, I quite liked it. As the three of us entered the recording room, the other four males chose to mess around and do some work.

I collapsed onto one of the plastic chairs of the dance studio, sweat was dripping down all of our faces. Taehyung's and Hoseok however, seemed full of energy still. Jimin came over to me and sat on my lap, leaning his head on my shoulder and letting out a deep sigh. He barely weighed anything.

"Okay, random dance challenge, if you don't mess up then you may go home," our choreographer laughed. We all jumped up and took our places in the middle of the large room, I looked at Jimin through the reflection on the large mirror. He winked and smiled, I best not mess this up. The first verse of 'Run' bleared through the speakers, I've got this. 'Blood, Sweat & Tears', shit, 'Baepsae', I need a nap, 'Fire', 'Dope' then silence.

"Well done, you all did well," the choreographer praised. As we collected our things from around the floor I couldn't help but notice how pale Jimin was. I quickly picked my hoodie and water bottle up and made my way over to Jimin, I picked up his phone and bottle.

"Are you okay babe?" I asked as I handed him his items. He nodded but kept his eyes on the light wooden floor, he looked as though he was about to faint. I put my arm around his waist and handed him my bottle until we got to the car.

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