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Park Jimin;

I removed myself from Jungkook's grip, he was soundly asleep and his expression a lot softer than before. I took my usual place on my bedroom floor as my mind raced through all the comments about my body. A few tears fell down my cheeks however, I soon pulled myself together. I laid down and begun to do my typical routine of sit ups, only planning to stop when I physically couldn't continue.


"Jimin?" Yoongi's voice was soft yet cut through the silence of my room like a knife. He quickly registered the sleeping Jungkook on my bed however, I was frozen, a deer in the headlights, my stomach tightened as I saw how destroyed Yoongi looked.

"I'm so sor-,"

"In the morning I'm taking you to the hospital," Yoongi whispered, I knew I couldn't change his mind, "for now have a shower, then come into my room," he added before leaving me and Jungkook alone. I quietly made my way into the bathroom and shut the door.

I turned the shower on as I begun to cry, the pain I was feeling seemed too much to handle yet I was numb. I didn't want to go to hospital, I'm not sick. I don't want to be forced to eat again, I don't want to be alone in that white room. I scanned through the drawers below the sink, the cold metal in my fingertips as I stepped into the the warm water.

"I'm sorry Yoongi," I muttered under my breath.

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