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Park Jimin;

I knelt in front of the toilet, the cold tiles ached my bruised knees. The comments about how fat I am continuously flooded my mind, I took two fingers and shoved them to the back of my throat. I spluttered broken coughs as my body begun to shake, I repeated the action until I begun to gag. This lasted for a while until I physically couldn't throw up anything more, I flushed the toilet before curling up on the cool floor, warm tears began to run down my cheeks.

"Fuck, why can't I just be thin," I mumbled to myself. I soon picked myself up from the floor with a sigh, I gargled a bit of water in an attempt to rid the gross taste from my mouth. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and looked in the mirror that was slightly too high for me; my eyes were puffy and red, my cheeks looked a little hollow and my whole face was pale yet, I didn't want to be alone. I headed downstairs.

Min Yoongi;

"I think, in fact I know that we should take Jimin to the doctors again," Jin said looking directly at me. I could tell that we were all feeling the same level of concern.

"I'll talk to him," I sighed as I shifted my eyes to my hands "if he's not willing to try here then we'll take him," I swallowed the ball forming in my throat and pushed back the tears, "I just...feel useless you know" I muttered. Hoseok pulled me into his chest, I couldn't fight back my emotions. I started crying quite heavily.

"Everything's gonna be okay Yoons, we all here for each other, no matter what happens, we'll all push through it," Namjoon said as Taehyung gently wiped my eyes with a tissue. Soft footsteps made their way towards the living room, I quickly composed myself. I pulled the soft hood of my jumper up before Jimin could see that I was upset. He took a seat beside me as we continued our evening without showing our hurt.

Park Jimin;

"Jiminie?" Yoongi asked as I shut the living room door, I looked up at him, "can I talk to you?" I nodded. I followed him up the stairs and into his slightly messy room, he laid on his bed and I took his invitation to cuddle into him.

"We all know you're having a relapse Jiminie and we all want to help, as your elders, we decided that it would be best to take you to the doctors tomorrow," Yoongi said, I could tell he was worried from how shaky his voice was. If I got bad, I would be put back into hospital and forced to gain weight...I need to lose it.

"Please Yoongi, I'll be okay, I'll talk to you, I'll eat something everyday, I promise I'll try," I begged trying to be as convincing as possible.

"Okay, but if you get worse I'll have to take you," Yoongi sighed slightly tightening his grip around my waist, "I don't want to lose you, you're the most important person in my life, I'd be lost." He sounded exhausted and upset, I glanced up at him; tears stung his eyes, his normally kitten-like lips hung in sadness. I hugged him tighter as I felt myself drift off to sleep.

"I really do love you Jiminie,"
"I love you too,"

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