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Park Jimin;

I awoke to a dark room, the blue hue of the moon fell upon Yoongi's dusty piano that I hadn't heard him play in a while. Soft breaths emitted from Yoongi who was still soundly asleep against the battering of the cold night wind upon his window. I gently slid from his bed and slipped through his bedroom door. I wasn't sure of the time nor could I find the motivation to locate my phone, I walked into my small bedroom before throwing on a jumper. With the need to burn the calories previously consumed, I opened my bedroom door and begun to walk down the creaky staircase.

"Hyung?" I turned around to be greeted with an exhausted looking Jungkook stood at the top of the stairs, I froze, "where are you going? It's four in the morning," I knew he'd tell Yoongi if I told him the truth so I lied;

"I was going for a glass of water," I said just louder than a whisper. Jungkook's sleepy eyes seemed to examine my within the dullness of the moons light. He could tell I was lying.

"Please don't lie to me Jimin," he muttered in a solemn yet worried tone. The feeling of guilt crept up my spine.

"I was going out for a jog, please don't tell Yoongi though," I quietly begged the younger, he breathed a heavy sigh.

"I won't tell him if you go to bed now," Jungkook said, a feeling of sadness tugged his tone, "also, can I stay with you tonight?" He asked. He sounded broken, as if something truly got into his mind. I agreed, I hated seeing any of the members hurt yet as Jungkook walked me into my room I couldn't help but feel tears welling up in my eyes as the all too familiar voice told me how fat I look.

"I'm sorry hyung, I just had a bad dream," Jungkook muttered as he laid down in my bed, I joined him and cuddled into him. I ran my fingers through his hair as I often did to comfort the younger, I knew that if he wanted to discuss it I wouldn't have to ask yet for that moment we simply enjoyed each other's security.

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