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Min Yoongi;

I looked down at Jimin, he was fast asleep in my arms. I gently moved myself from under his weightless body and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bowl of cold pasta from the side, I added some tuna and mayonnaise to it before sitting on the sofa next to Hoseok. As I begun to eat, everyone's gaze was on me.

"He's not doing too good, maybe he's going through a relapse, either way I'll have to take him to the doctors," I sighed. Although the thought of taking him to the doctors seemed like the last thing I wanted to do, I couldn't bare to see him kill himself. Jin begun to tell some light hearted jokes to lighten the mood.

Park Jimin;

I made my way downstairs, I knew that my eyes were still puffy and I had no clue what time it was but everyone was still talking when I entered the living room, Hoseok patted the space in between him and Yoongi. I complied with his small request and sat in the empty space. Taehyung suggested a film to watch; within the opening scene I could already tell it was once again a horror film. As the opening scene begun to play, I cuddled into Yoongi's arms and I felt myself drifting off.

I woke up to a scream, I felt myself jump from Yoongi's body. I glanced around the room, everyone was laughing whilst Hoseok was dying for lack of breaths.

"Jesus Christ Hobi, you could have killed me!" I yelled soon noticing that it wasn't the film but just Hoseok messing around, Yoongi's whole body shook with laughter. Hoseok begun to wheeze out an apology.

"Right," Namjoon spoke in an attempt to compose himself, "I'm heading off to bed, we don't have to be anywhere in particular tomorrow so don't bother getting up too early." And with that, Namjoon and Jin left the living room, I soon followed them. I entered my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed soon regretting my choice to sleep so early, after a few minutes there was a knock on my door.

"Are you tired?" Yoongi quietly asked still stood in my door way. I looked his dark silhouette up and down, he had a large jumper on and some jogging bottoms as well as shoes.

"Not really," I replied, I sat on the edge of my bed as Yoongi fiddled with the door handle.

"Are you up for a late night walk then?" He asked. I nodded yet realised he probably didn't see, I grabbed an oversized sweater from my messy floor and followed Yoongi down the stairs. He cautiously opened the front door, it wasn't cold yet it was nowhere near warm. I looked at Yoongi's large hand that was holding onto mine, he seemed to enjoy going out at night. I never knew his reasons.

We sat down on the set of swings, no one was about apart from the odd car passing on the road behind us; which was only expected due to the late hour. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on Yoongi, he was gently swinging back and forth whilst his gaze was completely fixated on the sky. I followed his eyes and saw a clear sky; stars glistened brightly, each one flickering in a perfect harmony with the silver moon. We begun talking about how beautiful life's become, until I felt my phone go off in my pocket.

k.sj: Hey Jiminie, are you and Yoongi okay? xxxxx

p.jm: Yeah were just at the park, we'll be back soon xxxxx

"Jin just messaged me, I think he wants us to head back," I said to Yoongi, placing my phone into my pocket. It was around three in the morning when me and Yoongi chose to walk back. I gripped onto Yoongi's hand as my head begun to spin and my knees begun to tremble.

"Babe? Are you okay?"

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