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Park Jimin;

Jungkook shook my awake, I glanced out of the car window to see the long missed apartment, we set about waking everyone else up. As we all clambered out of the large vehicle, we thanked the staff member for driving us to and from events and grabbed our suitcases. Everyone was dead from exhaustion apart from me, Hoseok and Jungkook. The three of us chose to make a start on sorting out the dirty laundry from the suitcases.

We all started with our own suitcases, separating the lights from the darks. Everyone else had already gone upstairs and probably straight to bed, Jungkook begun to whine and complain halfway through sorting his own clothes out so I decided to mock him for my own entertainment. He eventually lobbed a pillow at my head, repeatedly.

"Stop, or I'll kill you!" I yelled as he hit me again with the large pillow, I must have yelled a little too loudly as Namjoon seemed to rush down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" He asked still half asleep, I looked over at Jungkook and then at Hoseok, they both had a mischievous hint in their eyes.

"You must be hearing things," Hoseok shrugged, we all tried to keep our unnecessary laughter contained, Namjoon sighed before making his way back to his bedroom. We all burst out laughing, we continued to make jokes and talk quietly until we had finished sorting out everyone's things into two piles. The three of us took a selfie and Hoseok posted it onto Twitter.

Min Yoongi;

I woke up to my phone's blaring alarm, I cursed at it before abruptly turning it off and rolling back over, I knew I forgot to turn it off last night. I decided it was time to sleep again, I'm so lazy but I don't mind it. My door clicked open but I couldn't be bothered to look at who came in. I heard a sniffle, I sat up and looked at Jimin who had tears rolling down his face. If someone hurt him I swear I'd hit them a hundred times over.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked as I pulled the small male into a hug, he cuddled into my arms and begun crying a lot harder. I knew I wouldn't get an answer from him when he's this worked up so I just ran my fingers through his hair to calm him down.

"I'm just overthinking, sorry if I woke you up," Jimin muttered as he wiped his eyes with his sleeves, he'd been like this a few times. With all the shows and stress, it can really get to him.

"It's okay bubs, you're perfect the way you are plus you did amazing on the tour," I cooed in an attempt to comfort him, we talked for a little while before he drifted back to sleep. It hurt to see him upset but I'm more then grateful that he's doing better then he was. Jin and Namjoon were arguing from downstairs, at least that's what I guessed from the muffled yells. I threw on a jumper before making my way down the stairs.

"You don't put eggs in the microwave to boil them!" Jin yelled, did he seriously try to boil them in the microwave. I glanced at the said microwave to see yolk splattered everywhere. I laughed alongside Taehyung who was sat eating some waffles that Jin had made.

"Morning Hyung," Taehyung smiled looking up from his phone and waffle. I said good morning back and set on making myself and Jimin a cup of coffee.

"Is Jimin okay? I heard him crying this morning," Jin asked as he begun to clean the microwave.

"Yeah, he just got worked up and stressed," I said. I left the kitchen and made my way up the set of stairs, I sighed at the amount of exercise I was doing this morning. Jimin's was now awake as I took a seat next to him, I handed him his cup of coffee. He smiled and placed a kiss on my cheek, I almost died with how cute he is. He stopped scrolling through his phone as his face dropped and tears formed in his eyes.

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