Angelica POV
I had to see where the two love birds were going to have a date. So I asked Alex to ask Lafayette where he likes to go.
Hammy: he said he likes to go to the Movies, Central Park, Starbucks and Roller Skating.
Sista Ang: okay good to know
Now it was time to get Peggy's opinion.
"Hey Peggy I was wondering-"
"For the last time I know you just shaved your legs and they feel all nice and soft but I don't want to touch them!"
"I know they are so nice and soft, but that's not my question. Where are some places you like to hangout?"
"Ummm I like the pool-"
OOOooOoO a pool date.
"Central Park, the mall, target and Starbucks."
"Okay good to know!"
"Wait, why?"
I just smiled and left Peggy to her Daveed Diggs Today Show Interview.
Sista Ang: Peggy said she likes Central Park, the mall, target and Starbucks.
Hammy: they both like Starbucks! Those basic ass bitches.
Sista Ang: ha trueee with their pink sweaters and their uggs and flower crowns
Sista Ang: so Starbucks it is!
Hammy: yesssss okay so let's arrange the plans then we cancel them!
I was so excited to finally get them together! I feel like they were meant to be, I know that sounds super cheesy but it's true. We all decided to meet at 5 on Friday at the Starbucks on 6th Street. This was going to be fun.
Lafayette POV
Woah. I have a date with Peggy. Well not a direct date, but we are still going to hang out together! I hope I don't screw anything up, or stare at her to long to make myself look like a creep. I was so excited and so nervous for Friday. I was practically counting down the days!
Alex POV
Lafayette's room was right next to mine and the walls are thin in the dorm rooms, I mean how else would I know that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are dating and -oh no, I've said to much.
So I could hear Lafayette giggling and squealing like a little girl when her crush texts her. He seems happy. Little French Fry has a crush. It's honestly adorable. Hercules did not seem to happy about Lafayette's feelings for Peggy. Every time she would text in the group chat, Lafayette would start to blush and giggle, and Herc would just roll his eyes and say stuff under his breath. It would almost seem like he's jealous or like he likes Lafayette. But nah, I'm just filling my head with crazy conspiracies. John and I are just laying in bed listening to Lafayette squeal.
"He's cute." John says to me.
"Yeah are little Baguette is in love." I reply back.
"Are you excited for the plan?!" John whispers to me (remember thin walls)
"Of course! Those basic ass bitches won't know what hit them!" I shout
John gives me a kiss. It might be to shut me up or because he loves me... maybe a little bit of both. We stay snuggled up together and eventually fall asleep, man I love us.
Lafayette POV
I walk by Alex and Johns room to ask them about Friday, but they were just both snuggled on their bed in each other's arms. Man I love those two together. One day I hope that will be Peggy and I.
Hercules POV
I needed to ask John if he still has my sewing kit from a few days ago, he used to make turtle necks for his turtles. But when I stopped by, he was snuggled up with Alex and they both fell asleep. I saw my kit and grabbed it making sure I would not wake the pair. I closed their door and as I let go of the handle I thought to myself
One day that will be Lafayette and I.

FanfictionThis is a fanfic about the smol hamilton ship known as leggy. Ft. Lafayette and Peggy