Peggy POV
I spent the night at Hercules's dorm. It was so nice and quiet. We snuggled up and I fell asleep in his arms. I usually had nightmares, so it was nice to have someone there to comfort me. I had to leave early to get to class. I packed an over night bag so I just changed in the bathroom. After that I left a note to Hercules saying I had to leave early for classes. I hope he got it. I walked to my first class, which was on the other side of the campus. It was cold and I was half asleep. I dragged my feet a long the side walk and glanced over my shoulder. Someone was following me. I began to walk faster, and they followed. I was beginning to have a anxiety attack, it began to become hard for me to breath. I started to walk slowly to try to catch my breath, and the person caught up. I breathed heavily and kept my head down. It was only George King walking his pampered Pug. I shook my head and sighed. I continued to walk and looked around. I glanced over my shoulder again. Someone was following me again. I shook my head.
"It's probably someone going to class." I said to myself and walked at a normal pace.
The dark figure began to speed up. I was getting close to my next class.
I screamed, as I was being dragged into a dark alley in between to two buildings. The dark figure grabbed the hood on my hoodie as I tried to fight back screaming for help. Swinging myself back and forth. They threw me against a brick wall and I felt something drip from my head. I tried to punch and kick back using some moves Lafayette taught me. As I threw a punch they pushed me into the concrete, pebble filled, cold ground and took my bag.
"Hey!" I screamed back getting up chasing them.
They looked back, I got a glance at their face.
"You don't give up do you?" They spoke evilly.
"Reynolds." I said spitting the blood out from my busted lip.
He grinned evilly as I ran to him. I threw a punch and jumped on his back punching his face, brushing my knuckles. He knocked me off his back and dragged me by my hair into the alley. He grabbed something out of his pocket, a knife. He stabbed me in the stomach. I winced holding my stomach and collapsing to the ground. I felt a tear drop roll down my face along with the blood from my cuts. Reynolds caressed my face with the blade making sure to leave a deep cut then threw the knife and ran.
"Hey!" I heard someone scream. Mrs.Washington.
Thank god someone to help me. I could see the shock in her face when she saw me collapse on the cold, hard ground and my eyes felt droopy and I began to drift asleep.
"No Peggy! Stay with me." She screamed, her voice cracking.
She got her phone out and dialed 911.
Everything got blurry after that. I just remember Mrs.Washington keeping pressure on my stomach and saying everything would be alright. Then I heard the loud sirens, making my head ache worse. The paramedics carefully put my bloody, bruised body on the gurney and put a breathing mask over my nose. With every second I felt blood come out of my open wound. Things were still blurry. I remember a lot of yelling and doctors standing over examining my cuts.
"What the hell happened?" One doctor whispered to another.
"She got mugged." Another said.
"You should've seen the other guy." I said smiling.
The doctors all smiled
"Okay what's your name."
"Peggy Schuyler."
"Okay Peggy, where are you from?" They questioned.
"Umm..." I hesitated "Manhattan."
"Good good, well we need to get you into surgery right away-"
"SURGERY?" I screamed.
"Yes sweetie. Everything will be fine." They said calmly rolling me to the elevator and prepping me for surgery.
One doctor rubbed my head and said everyone would be okay. It felt calming, but would everything be alright? I was scared, cold and in pain. I wish Hercules was here. Everything stings. I laid my head back as they injected Anesthesia and I immediately fell asleep.
I woke up with a breathing mask on me. My head and stomach hurt, my stomach felt soar like when you're out of shape and you do sit ups. I shook my head.
"Hey try not to move so much." A voice to my left said. Lafayette.
I took a deep breath in through my mask.
"The doctors said your surgery went great."
I smiled and felt a tear roll down my face. Both a tear of happiness and a tear of pain.
"Hey, hey, hey don't cry." He said calmly whipping the tear from my face, that stung.
He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I felt happy. He held my hand and smiled. I fell back asleep. It has been a long day.
Hercules POV
Lafayette left crepts out for everyone and said he was going on a run around the campus. I ate my crept and got dressed.
I then got a call from Angelica. My heart stopped and the room began to spin. I grabbed my bag and headed for the hospital. Thankfully Laff was there so Peggy wouldn't be alone when she woke up. I hauled a cab, I was scared, angry and afraid. Of course there was god damn traffic. I got out of the cab, only a few blocks away from the hospital and sprinted my way there. I was out of breath by the time I got there, and looked the receptionist dead in the eyes and said
"Is Peggy Schuyler out of surgery?" Out of breath, huffing and puffing.
"Yes-" I cut this nice lady off.
"What room?" I said smiling
"1801, but visitor hours are ove-"
I began to run to the elevator, and clicked the button to the top floor so much, I'm surprised it didn't break. I then ran to her room. The door was open, I was out of breath. I saw Lafayette give her a kiss on her cheek then forehead. Peggy's face was cut up and she had bandages wrapped on her head and stomach. I felt a tear form. Then Lafayette held her hand and began to read to her. I stood in the doorway for a while. I didn't know what to do. Then the monitor went blank. *beeeeeeeppp* my heart stopped, along with Peggy's. Lafayette shot up and called for a nurse. I ran into the room and looked at Lafayette and he looked at me. We were both breathing heavily, hugging each other and crying. We were scared.
"WE HAVE A CODE BLUE IN ROOM 1801 CODE BLUE." The nurses and doctors shouted.
They raced into our room and began to give Peggy CPR. Laff and I looked away. Why. Why this to Peggy. They then got out the defibrillator and Peggy's chest shot up. Nothing happened. They upped the electricity
"Cmon Peggy" I heard the doctor holding the defibrillator say.
They upped the electricity once more. The monitor started and she began to breathe again. All the doctors and nurses sighed with relief and packed everything up and walked away. Lafayette and I ran over to Peggy and held her hand. I gave her a kiss and pulled her hair back. Lafayette began to cry, but tried not to show it. She was alive.

FanfictionThis is a fanfic about the smol hamilton ship known as leggy. Ft. Lafayette and Peggy