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Early morning were his favorite time of the day, waking up before sunrise, going to the park near his building to watch the sunrise and take pictures.

The young curly boy is mentally ill, he needs some sort of an obsession to keep his sanity or else even God cannot save him, and his sanity is photography.

The boy's alarm clock started ringing just when the clock his 4:30 am, waking up immediately he walked inside his bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth, just like every morning. After his warm shower, he came back into his room to dress up for the day, he put on some black jeans and a blue shirt. Simple, just how he likes.

After getting ready, the young boy entered the next room, his photography room, where he keeps all of his cameras and developing his photos. He took his favorite camera; Fujifilm X-A3 and quickly got out of his apartment skipping breakfast, because they do not go well with his medication.

Making his way to the park, the young boy snapped pictures of everything, little snails on the road, a cat sitting on a car. As he made his way to the park he went to his usual spot, it's was now 5:30; ten more minutes till sunrise. Every morning he takes a picture of the sunrise, because each time it looks different and unique and he definitely did not wanted to miss that. Nature is so beautiful, has so many fascinating creatures and lives, he just didn't realize why and how people were so ignorant about it.

It was almost 11 am by the time Bradley got to his little apartment, he stayed and walked around the park as usual taking more pictures, of dogs and people walking by, making sure not to capture their faces, because even tho he takes their picture without them knowing he likes to keep some respect for them.

He quickly uploaded the pictures to his computer scanning with his eyes every picture, editing some if needed, deleting some if there's double, until his eyes landed on some mysterious boy, that sat by the big tree where Bradley likes to sit every morning to watch the sunrise, he must've been there when he took pictures of the area, because Bradley did not see him before, or ever if that's possible, he knew all of the people that came every morning to the park, but he never saw his face before.

"Who the hell are you? Blonde boy?" Bradley asked himself while staring at the picture he accidentally took.



omg it's finally hereee cjskckskvne i know some of you wanted to kill me because i said that the book will be up "soon"

Well guess what bitch; SOON IS HERE CJSKCKAKCKAKCJ

Hope y'all enjoyed this, first character coming soon ;)

(Follow me on ig :') @hideawaybrad_ )


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