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It was late afternoon, Bradley sat on his living room floor, playing with his dog. It's been 6 days since his Blondie left. He didn't go out much, he's been editing and developing new pictures of Tristan, hanging them on his wall, now most of his photography room walls are full with Tristan's picture.

Soon a knock on his apartment door echoed through, wondering who was it because it couldn't be his sister. Walking slowly to the door, with Jesse barking at the door he opened the door slowly, reveling a tall figure standing in front of him.

"Missed me, little one?" The man said smiling. "Tristan" The young curly haired boy yelled in excitement, jumping on his friend, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Hey, what's up?" Tristan said laughing at his little friend's actions, wrapping his arms around his small body. "I missed you" Bradley said, snuggling up to his neck. Those words made the blonde boy to skip a beat, smiling even wider he hugged him tighter, "me too little man, me too"


"So how's your cousin?" Bradley asked once both of them calmed down from the little scene they had earlier, even thinking about it made Brad blush like crazy.

"She's okay, the baby looks exactly like her, except for the fact that he had a little dick" he said chuckling, making Brad laugh too. Wow, even his laugh is beautiful, Tristan thought to himself. Being away from him killed him, even though they know each other for a week now, his heart skips a beat whenever the short lad is looking at him with his melting chocolate eyes, and smiling at him with his beautiful smile, and just by him being the cute little man he is, he still makes Tristan's heart go crazy. He know it's wrong to feel this way towards someone he met a week ago, but he just can't help it. Tristan is not one to believe in cliches, he can't help it but the moment he saw Bradley he took his breath away.

"I have something to show you" Bradley said bringing Tristan back to earth, "come with me" he said taking his hand dragging him into his bedroom in excitement. The young curly boy pushed the tall lad on his bad, "sit" he said smiling really big, Tristan obeyed, sitting on his bed, back leaning against the bed frame. Bradley walked out of the room, leaving a very confused Tristan sitting on his bed, with a very hyper puppy with him.

"What's your owner is planning huh?" He said scratching the back on her ear, Jesse barked, causing the blonde lad to chuckle, "yeah same, i wish i knew too" he said smiling. The bedroom door opened once again, reveling a very happy Bradley. Tristan didn't know if Bradley's smile could get any bigger or brighter, but he was wrong, because the young boy sat leg crossed in front of the older lad, his smile grew bigger as he held a box in his hand.

"What you have there little man?" Tristan asked curiosity taking over him.

"Look what I bought" he said starting to open the box. "You got a new camera?" He asked again, the curly haired boy just shook his head no.

"I bought a phone" he said revealing a brand new IPhone. "Now i have a way to talk to you" he said looking at the man sitting in front of him.

"Bradley, you bought a phone because of me? You said you hate cellphones" He asked shocked, it never was his intention to make his friend spend a lot of money on something he didn't believe in.

"I do, well kind of now. I want to be able to talk to you all the time, plus the camera here is pretty good quality I'm impressed" he said talking fast, he was nervous, he's always talking fast when he's nervous, a thing that Tristan noticed in their very short time of knowing each other.

"I want to have a picture with you Tristan" he said crawling next to the blonde lad, sitting besides him. "Okay then, let's take a selfie" he said smiling.

"A what?" Bradley asked, wearing a confused expression.

"A selfie, it's when you're talking a picture of yourself with the front camera" Tristan explains, chucking lightly at his friend. "Oh- Okay, can yo- you take it? I- uh- I don't know how" he said, his cheeks slightly turning pink from embarrassment.

"Sure" Tristan said smiling, taking the phone from Bradley, opening the camera, putting his arm around his little man, bringing him closer to him.
"Now smile" Tristan said, before snapping a picture.
Bradley's heart was beating fast, he was sure people that live in the building next to his could hear his heart beating. Bradley smiled when he was told to, then Tristan said to make a silly face, so he did. Then Bradley looked up at Tristan, he was smiling at his phone, eyes were screaming with happiness, then he heard the clicking noice and that means he took another picture.

"But I wasn't looking" Bradley pouts, "i like this pictures, I'm going to save my number and send them to myself" Tristan said smiling. "But I wasn't looking at the camera on the last picture, please delete it" Bradley begged. "No little one, I really like this picture so no" Tristan said leaving a small kiss on the younger boy's nose. Bradley's eyes widen at the sudden act of innocence, touching his nose where his Blondie's lips were a moment ago, looking at him with wide eyes, face slightly tinted with rose blush.


A little cute Tradley chapter for y'all:׳)

How is everyone? Hope you all had a good day ❤️

Btw who heard Niall's album? What's your favorite song?
Too much to ask and seeing blind are fucking hard with my emotions djskvjskvjsk

Anywayyy hope you all enjoyed this chapter:)


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