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Sunday, the best day to go to a park with your dog or family and friends, also the best day for Tris to walk with his dog. But Sunday's happens to be Bradley's least favorite day of the week, because the crowded park never appreciates nature the way he does, they always leave a big mess behind them and it makes him sad that people are treating the world they live like this, but Blondie is different than these people, he's always cleaning up the mess he made, always picking up trash from the sidewalk.

Today Tris was at the park with his dog, like every Sunday. Bradley also was at the park, like every day.

Tris started seeing the curly haired short boy quite often around the park, he noticed he was always alone, taking pictures with his camera, going around the park, always being where he is. He also noticed him taking pictures of his dog a few times but everyone does that, even he himself is guilty of taking pictures of other dogs.

The park was crowded than usual, but it didn't bother the blonde boy at all, his dog had company at least. The tall young man decided to unleash Dobby and walk around the park, knowing that the will follow him.

As Tris was walking, followed by Dobby, he noticed the curly boy sitting by himself. So he decided to go and say hello to the stranger.

"Hey" Tris said approaching the boy, the young boy's attention immediately was taken by the strange voice he heard, looking up he couldn't believe what he's seeing, Blondie, his Blondie, alive and breathing, in front of him. "Can i sit here with you?" Tris asked, the boy, being completely starstruck by his beauty, could only nod his head, because no words came out of his mouth.

"My name is Tristan, and yours?" Blondie said, so that's his name. Blondie's name is Tristan. Beautiful name for a breathtaking man. " name is Bradley" the young boy said.

"That's a cool name. I see you around here taking a lot of pictures, it's really cool" Blon–Tristan said, the brown haired boy immediately started panicking, what if he's going to yell at me to leave him alone? What if he saw me taking pictures of him? The thoughts started going non stop in his mind.

"Bradley?" Tris said, waving his hand in front of the young boy's face, trying to catch his attention once again. "I-I-I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Bradley looked up at him once again, this time looking directly into his ocean blue eyes, they looked better and more beautiful in person, his whole face is beautiful in person. "I said that i saw you around the park a lot, taking pictures, you work professionally or a hobby?" Tristan repeated his question again.

"I-I-uh, no it's just a hobby i guess" Bradley said scratching the back of his neck. "Oh that's cool, can i see some?" Tristan asked kindly, trying to be friendly.

"No!" Bradley immediately said holding his camera tight.

"No? Why not?" He asked confused.

"Because, because it's not edited yet, i will show you them once they're edited" the curly boy said, hoping for him to but the half lie; because Bradley indeed wanted to edit some of those pictures.

"Okay then; show me them later?" He asked smiling, even his smile is more beautiful in person.
"Yes" the young boy replied, returning a smile.

"So can i have your number? You know so we could text and for you to show me the pictures later?" The tall blonde said, hoping for a future friendship with the shorter boy, because since he moved here, he's alone, he lives alone, and has no friends that he can meet with, of course he has his friends from back home, but what's the point of moving to a different city if you're not making any new friendships? That Tristan wanted to change.

"I-uh-I-don't have a phone" Bradley said looking at his shoes, embarrassment taking over him. "Oh that's okay, how about we meet here tomorrow then, you cam show me the pictures then?" He asked, the boy looked up at him smiling, nodding his head.

"The it's set, tomorrow at 3pm we meet here at this exact bench and you show me the pictures?" Blondie asked the curly haired boy.

"Yes" Bradley said.


Hola amigos

Guess who finally decided to make an appearance 🌚🌚



P.s- this Sunday I'm going on a holiday for 3 weeks so I don't know if i will be able up update sanity or in a song but i will try my best.

Also, new Tradley (smut!) fanfic coming soon, well only the prologue, it will start as soon as in a song ends. And all of that thanks so ma bishh nhclubsandwich ❤️

-Ed x

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