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2:50 pm, ten minutes and Bradley will see his Blondie again. Walking happily with his folder in his hands towards the park, he had a huge smile on his face. The young boy was so happy to see him again, his blue eyes, and gorgeous smile.

2:58 pm, He's supposed to be here in two minutes, Bradley nervously looked at his blue folder. He spend the entire evening yesterday picking up the right pictures, his favorite picture, to show him. But at the moment his favorite pictures were the ones he took of the blonde boy. He looked around the park, instantly regretting for not bringing his camera with him. But he couldn't risk the chances of Tris wanting to look through his camera and see himself there.

3:15 pm, and Tris is not here. The young boy immediately started thinking that he pranked him, because who would want to be seen in public with a mentally ill freak like himself. As Bradley stood up to head back to his apartment he heard someone screaming his name.

"Bradley!" Someone yelled and the boy recognized to who the voice belongs to. Turning around Bradley's eyes met with his ocean blue ones. "You came" Bradley said smiling standing awkwardly in front of the tall lad.

"Yes i did, I'm so sorry for being late, I couldn't find my keys" Tris said trying to catch his breathe.
"I- I uh- I have here some pictures i took, if you still want to see them" the curly haired boy said, and the only thing that the Blonde boy could do is smile.
"Of course i want to see them, i love photography" he said smiling at the shorter boy, making Bradley to smile in return.

Both Tristan and Bradley sat on the same bench they sat on yesterday, Bradley flipping through the pages, showing his blondie the pictures he took, explaining each picture, and all that Tris could do is admire his new friend talking about the pictures he took while his eyes were glowing with passion.

"You have a lot of photos of the sunrise" Tris said noticing the multiple sunrise pictures. "I- uh- I- Yes i love the sunrise I- um- I come here every morning before sunrise to take pictures" Bradley said blushing remembering the day his new obsession started. "Oh that's cool" Tris said smiling.

The two lads continued talking about photography, Bradley being the one mainly talking, but that didn't bothered Tris at all, he grew to like his thick Brummie accent. Tris noticed that the sun started to set slowly, meaning that they need to head home soon, "what time is it?" Bradley asked also noticing the sky getting darker. "6:30 pm" Tris said checking his phone. "Why? You want to go home?" He asked the young boy, and he nodded in return. "Okay then–" Tris said standing up, Brad doing the same thing as well "–it was nice to see you Bradley, same time tomorrow?" He asked with hopes to see him again. The younger boy smiled at him, "yes, but do you want to come to my house for dinner?" He asked the tall lad, this time is was his turn to hope for a positive answer. "If that's okay with you" Tris said smiling. "Yes i want you to come" he said smiling wider if that's even possible.

The two walked together, Tristan following Bradley, his eyes scanning his beautiful long curly hair, he just wants to run his hands through them. "Stop it Tris you just met him yesterday" the blonde boy whispered to himself. Shaking the thoughts off his head.

"Did you say something?" Bradley asked turning around to look at him, "Uhh- N-No" Tris said, this time scanning his beautiful features. "Oh okay then" Bradley said. The two of them continued to walk for a few more minutes until they reached an quite expensive apartment complex. He must be rich, the blonde though to himself, this time thinking mute.

"So this is where i live, i have a puppy named Jesse so i just want to warn you because she loves to jump on people" Bradley said while getting into the elevator, Tristan following him, "it's okay i love dogs, I myself have a dog" The blonde boy said. Only if he knew that Bradley already knew that, after all his whole photography room is covered with your pictures.

"Jesse!" Bradley said as soon as he opened the apartment door, a little Golden retriever puppy ran towards the two young boys, jumping on Bradley, and the curly haired boy immediately sat on the floor hugging his dog, once again, Tris watched him, admiring his cuteness.

"Bradley is that you?" Someone asked, a girl's voice, Tris immediately assumed that it was his girlfriend, because why someone as attractive like his new friend would be gay.

"Yes Natalie I'm here with a friend" Bradley said.

"A friend?" The girl, now Tris learned that her name is Natalie said finally making an appearance.

"Yes, this is Tris" Bradley said.

"Hey, I'm Tris, Bradley's friend" he said to the girl. Only if he knew that she already knew who he was. She immediately recognized him from the pictures hanged in her brother's room.

"Hello, I'm Natalie, Bradley's older sister" she said smiling.


Hey peeps waddup.
I'm finally back from holiday and omg i missed my bed lolol so I'm sorry for being dead for 3 weeks oops.

But anywayyyyyy hope you enjoyed this.

And if you read my a/n; write here fun fact about yourself;)

I'll start; my full name has in total 31 letters (first name, middle names, and last name) but I'm only using 9 letters ((first name(shorter lol) and last name)) lol k byeyeyeyeyee


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