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"You can leave your bag in my bedroom" Bradley said as they both entered the apartment. "Why not in the other room? It's a guest room isn't it?" Tris said.

"No!" Bradley yelled, panicking.

"No?" The blonde lad asked confused.
"I mean um- It's not a guest room, it's Natalie's room, so she's locking it when she's away" Bradley said nervously, feeling bad that he has to lie to his friend, but he couldn't risk the chance of him seeing the room covered with the pictures, his pictures.

"Why she's locking it if it's your apartment?" He asked even more confused. "Because um- She likes her privacy and she doesn't want me to be in her room when she's away, you know um– women right?" The curly haired boy said laughing nervously, making Tris to chuckle. "So you can go to my bedroom and leave the bad there please" Tris nodded his head, walking straight towards Bradley's bedroom putting his bag next to the bed.

"Jesse, Dobby is here" The curly haired boy said to his golden, as the little dachshund entered the living room wiggling her little tail as she ran towards the big golden.

"They really like each other" Bradley smiled at both of the dogs sharing Jesse's toys, playing together.

"Well they better be, because I'll be spending the weekend here" Tris said in a sassy tone, causing the shorter lad to laugh, making Tris smile. Tris loved it when he made Bradley smile, exposing a little dimple on his right cheek, and his brown eyes filled with sparks and joy. The sight made the blonde's heart to beat so fast he was sure next door neighbors could hear it.

"Do you want to make dinner or we can just order food?" The curly boy asked Tris. "No it's okay we can make food" Bradley nodded. "Okay then"

The two entered the kitchen "so what you want to eat? I'm okay with whatever" Bradley said going straight to the cabinets looking at all sorts of ingredients.

"I'm okay with pasta" The curly haired boy nodded, taking out a bag of pasta and sauce for the pasta. Meanwhile the tall blonde lad found a pot and put water in it, putting it on the stove top, turning it on.

Tris watched the younger boy reading the instructions on the sauce can carefully. Bradley reading the instructions to himself, trying to remember what he read. The older lad found it cute, he finds everything Bradley does cute, even those little moments when he zones out and thinks about something. Or when he blushed when he kisses the tip of his nose, yes, he knew that it made him blush, and he liked it, having this effect on him. It made his heart beat even more and feel even more butterflies knowing that what he feels towards the curly boy is mutual.

"Okay so we need to chop onions and cook them then pour the sauce into the pot and let it cook for a few minutes then add salt and pepper" Bradley said finally understanding the instructions.

"You didn't have to read the instructions Bradley, i know to how to make the sauce" Tris chuckles, making Bradley blush.

"You go sit and I'll cook okay?" Tris asked the younger lad, hoping he would say yes.

"But you're my guest I'm supposed to make food for you" Bradley pouts, making Tris' heart melt at the breathtaking view. How such an innocent look can make his heart go crazy is a still a mystery to him.

""Bradley we're friends I'm not your guest, you don't need to be polite around me, i can cook for us, now go sit there please" he asked nicely, taking Bradley's hand and directing him towards the kitchen table, pulling out a chair, pointing out at him to sit, and Bradley sits, face blushed and heart beat rises as the moment passes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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