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The two young lads were playing with Jesse, Bradley's puppy, while his older sister made dinner.
Brad still couldn't believe that he finally got to talk to his Blondie, nor make him somehow sit in front of him, playing with his puppy. 'Stay calm Bradley' the curly boy kept telling himself over and over again.

Tristan kept staring at the boy siting in front of him as well, wondering how one can be this beautiful, it's like his curls were crafted one by one, by God himself, not only his curls but his entire face and body, his chocolate brown eyes, you could get lost on them.

"How old is she?" The older lad decided to break the comfortable silence between the two. "She's 4 months old, i got her when she was a little baby" Bradley said picking the golden puppy kissing her oh her little head, all that Tris could do is watch him and continue admiring his innocent personality.

"Guys dinner is ready" Natalie's voice echoed through the house, calling the two young lads to eat. Brad got up first, Tris following him closely behind from the living room to the little dining table in the kitchen, "I made some chicken with rice if that's okay with you Tristan" Natalie said placing three plates on the table, "It is, thank you" The blonde boy said taking a seat opposite to Bradley's seat, his sister sitting besides him.

A comforting silence fell as the three young people started eating their dinner, the young boy glancing over to the curly haired young lad from time to time to see him eating his food, Tristan thought he was cute, everything he did was cute, even eating. "So Tristan, how did you and Bradley meet?" Natalie asked cutting off the silence between the three of them.

"I've seen him around the park taking pictures and one day when i was walking with my dog, he was alone so I decided to come and say hello" he said smiling at the younger boy, Bradley kept his eyes on his food, continuing to eat what's left on his plate. Natalie just smiled looking at her innocent brother, hoping that something good will come out of his new obsession.

"That sounds amazing to be honest, I'm sure you both will be great friends" she said to the blonde boy. "Yes me too" he said standing up taking his plate and empty glass to the sink "leave there i will clean it" Natalie said to him, he just nodded walking back to table sitting where he just sat moments ago.

"Bradley, if you are done with your food go to the living room with Tristan i will clean everything" the dark haired girl said to her brother. "Okay, want to play with Jesse again?" Bradley asked his mew friend, which he nodded his head yes as a respond.

The two young lads made their way to the living room, sitting in their previous spot, on the floor, a moment later a little puppy came running towards them with a toy in her mouth, jumping on her curly owner, And he retuned and hug and a kiss on her small head. Tris just smiled looking at him play with his puppy, from time to time he threw the toy as well, just to see her running to Bradley only, he thought it was cute, that Bradley is cute.

"Bradley it's getting late and i think your friend wants to go home and you need to go to bed" Natalie said entering the living room, the blonde boy looked at his phone to see what the time is, it was currently 9:57 pm. Wow, that's all Tristan could think of, he spent the whole afternoon and evening with his new friend. And he loved every moment of it.

"Yes i think I should probably go home" the blonde boy said getting up on his feet "Bradley?" Natalie asked, "yes?" He replied looking up at his sister, "don't you want to walk Tristan to the door?" She asked smiling at the way her little brother blushed with only mentioning the blonde's lad name.

"I-uh yes i will" he said getting up walking with Tristan to the apartment entrance, now both of them standing in front of each other.

"It was lovely to spend time with you today Bradley" the tall lad said smiling looking down at the blushing short boy, "I-uh-I enjoyed today as well" he said keeping his eyes on the floor.

"See you tomorrow? Same time same place? I promise I won't be late this time" Tristan asked, praying to see those chocolate brown eyes again.

"Yes" he replied. "I will see you tomorrow Tristan" Bradley said, opening the door so his friend can leave to his home. "And please don't be late" he said hugging his. Tristan's eyes widen at the sudden act of kindness, he was caught off guard, looking down at the mop of curls resting on his chest, little arms wrapped around his skinny body.

"I promise I won't" he said, wrapping his arms around the short boy.


Well damn son.

Tradley starting slowly to rise :')

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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