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"You see, this time I'm on time" Tristan smiled as he approached the younger boy, who was sitting on the bench. "Yes i know. And I really appreciate it" Bradley said, looking up at the the blonde boy sitting next to him.

"So what do you want to do today?" Tris asked. "I don't know, maybe we can play with your dog?" The curly haired boy asked, looking down at Tris' little dog. "Oh yes we can–" he said picking his dog up. "Dobby, meet Bradley my friend. Bradley, meet Dobby, my princess" he said bringing his dog closer to the boy so he can pet it. "She's beautiful." He said smiling. "She is indeed a beauty." Tris said smiling back at the boy.

As the two kept playing with Dobby, Tris watched Bradley playing with his dog, running and laughing at her foolishness. His laugh was beautiful, the way his eyes had this sparkle when he smiled, or the way his curls were all over the place when he was running around, he just wanted to run his fingers through his long curly hair. How is the possible for one to have such a long hair and yet look so beautiful? Tristan thought to himself. He hates to admit it, but he is a quick one to catch feelings towards someone, and he thinks he might've caught some for the younger boy he was spending the last few days with.

3 hours passed and it was already 6pm, meaning the boys had to return to their homes soon. "Thank you Bradley for spending time with us today" Tris said as the two approached their usual seat at the park, the bench. "Thank you as well for being my friend" the young boy said, looking up at him, smiling.
"Of course Bradley, I really like your company and you're my best friend" he said smiling back at the boy. "But you shouldn't be my friend, I'm weird" he said looking down at his feet.

"You're not weird Bradley, you are you, and that's what makes you unique. I like you just the way you are" Tris said truthfully, meaning every word. He knew Brad wasn't like anybody else, he was so unique and mysterious, and that was what made him interested in him in the first place. "Promise me you won't leave me one day because I'm a freak" Brad said, trying to fight the tears coming out. "I promise Bradley, you're my friend and I'm here forever" he said hugging the younger boy, hoping in his heart that he can change one day the facts that they're just friends.

The cute moment was soon cut off with a cellphone ringtone; Tris' phone. "Hello?" Tris said answering the call. Bradley just watched the Blonde talking, HIS blondie talking. He was so beautiful, the jawline and pale skin were breathtaking. His blue eyes were to die for. "Yes sure I'm with a friend right now, i will be there in 30 minuets" he said, ending the call. Friend, friend, f r i e n d. That's all Bradley is going to be for him, a friend.

"Bradley i have to go, my cousin just gave birth and i need to go back to my hometown, i know you don't have a phone so i will tell you now, i will probably come back next week. And when i come back i will come to your flat and we can hang out okay?" Tris said looking at the boy, "okay" he nodded his head yes.

The two lads started to make their way out of the park, with Dobby following them closely behind.
"Okay so I guess this is where we both part our ways, I'll see you next week Bradley." Tris said facing the younger boy, looking down at him. He felt those two little hands wrap around his torso yet again, head resting on his chest het again; meaning he's hugging him, yet again. "I'll see you next week Tris" brad said into his chest. Tris just smiled at his cuteness, wrapping his long arms around the small figure hugging him. "Good" he said kissing the top of his head.

Bradley said goodbye to his Blondie, making his way home happily, smiling at the memories from today. He cannot believe the his Blondie, HIS BLONDIE, wants to be his friend, he will stay with him forever.

Entering his apartment, he knew his sister was yet again here because of the smell of the food she's making. "Bradley is that you?" He heard his sister yell from the kitchen.

"Yes Natalie, I'm here" he said entering the kitchen, sitting on the kitchen island, watching his sister cook. "How was today, with Tristan?" She asked smiling at her little brother. "It was fun, we played with his dog" he said smiling again at the memories from today.

"I'm happy to hear that" she said looking at her brother. "Natalie" Bradley said after a few moments of silence. "Yes?" She asked. "I want to get a cellphone" he said out of no where, surprising his older sister. "Of course you can get a phone Bradley, we'll go tomorrow if you want. But may i ask why? You always hated cellphones, claiming that they're not important and only ruining younger's lives" she said looking at her brother.

"I want to have a way to talk to Tristan" he simply said.


Brad is so cute in this story i want to shoot myself because i just want to love him forever and give him endless hugs.

Anywayyyy my new Tradley fanfic is starting to somehow make sense to hopefully it will come soon:')

Hope you enjoyed the chapterrrr


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