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The whole wall is covered with pictures of Brad's mysterious blonde boy, it been almost two weeks since the first saw him and Brad took pictures of him whenever he had the chance to do that. When he was with his dog, when he was talking on the phone, when he was drinking coffee at the coffee shop near the park, hanging out with an older lady that looked like him, and even him drinking beer at his apartment's balcony. Brad stopped waking up to capture the sunrise, he's waking up now to capture every movement the blonde is making. And today was no exception.

It was 5pm when he entered his apartment, only to find his older sister Natalie, sitting in the living room.

"Where have you been Bradley?" She asked in a serious tone. "I was out" he simply said making his way to his bedroom. "Yes i know you were out, but care to be more specific?" She asked following him to his bedroom. "I was taking pictures, like every day" he said, going to his closet and taking out his pajamas.

"Bradley, i need to know exactly where you are all the time, I was sitting on this damn sofa since 11 am!" His sister yelled at him. "Stop yelling at me?" He yelled back at his sister throwing his shirt at her, he hated being yelled at, he hated loud voices in general. "Did you take your meds today?" She asked after a few seconds, the curly haired just stayed silent and continued changing his clothes, "i asked you a question Bradley" the young woman said, "no" he simply said exiting his bedroom with his camera in his hands, only being followed by his sister again.

"Do not enter this room" he said to his sister closing the door behind him. Turning his computer on, he quickly uploaded today's pictures to his computer, eye scanning all of the pictures.

"Come on Bradley you have to take your meds!" His sister said knocking on the door. "I'll take them later" he said, eyes locked on his computer screen, editing a few pictures. "If you will not come out of this room right now and take your meds i will go inside!" His sister threatened, making the boy instantly angry, he got up from his chair, closed the room lights and exited the room. "Do not even think about it Natalie" the boy said angrily. "Then come with me and take your meds now!" She said taking the boy's hand dragging him to the kitchen.

"Now take these" she said nicely giving him two pills, one blue and one red, with a cup of water. "I don't want to take them now it will make me sleepy and i have photos to edit" he said refusing to take his medication.

"Bradley, please, take these pills, or you won't get any better" his sister said with worry, she loved her younger brother with all of her heart, even beyond, she wanted him to get better, she wanted him to be happy and find love.

"Okay" the boy finally gave up, swallowing the pills with the water. "That's my good boy" Natalie said smiling, cupping her brother's cheeks and giving him a kiss on his forehead, the young boy wrapped his hands around his sister and hugged her tight. "I love you. I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier" Bradley said. "It's okay Bradley, I should be the one apologizing, i know how much you hate being yelled at, but I'm just worried about you" she said kissing his head.

"Can you stay the night? I hate being alone" he asked his sister, still hugging her. "Of course i can, I'm always here for you baby" she said "Let me make you dinner first, because i know you did not eat today–" she said hugging him tighter if that's possible "and you will stay here and tell me about your day because I don't want you to fall asleep without eating" she said pointing on a chair, telling him to go and sit there.

Brad felt happy and loved again, for two weeks he felt lonely and lost, he wanted to approach the boy but he was scared that he will reject him.

"So Bradley, anything interesting happened today?" Natalie said while taking few ingredients from the fridge, the boy thought for a second if he should tell his sister about the blonde boy or not.

"Not really, i saw Rita again at the park, we played a lottery bit" he said looking at his sister "oh that cute Golden! She's pregnant isn't she?"

"Yes, and Mrs. Levin said that when she will give birth she will give me one puppy" Bradley said happily, "Bradley, that's great! Now you can have a little company and you can take her to the park with you" Natalie said with joy in her voice. Maybe this is what he needed she thought to herself, maybe a puppy will make him better.


Wow Ed you actually uploaded twice today wowowowowowowwwoooooo

Lol jk just heyy enjoy this chapter, decided to bring dear 'ol Nat to the story :')

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