A New Beginning - Anna (Chapter 1)

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I was so happy things had finally started to go the way I had always imagined. I wasn't alone anymore, I had finally befriended my sister again. I heard a knock at my door, "Anna!" my dear older sister, Elsa, called from outside my bedroom room door.

"Come on in," I responded. I was so happy we were finally opening the doors up for eachother again. I hated staying alone in my room all day after my parents had passed away. I tried knocking on Elsa's door every so often, but there would be no response. I knew she was in there, I just never knew why she wouldn't answer. I know now that she wasn't doing it on purpose, she did it to protect me. I love her, and I love how we've become friends again. Last night I must have knocked her door a thousand times and she opened it each and every time. I couldn't be happier.

She walked into the room with a big smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile back. We were finally together again. "Good morning," she said as she sat down next to me on the bed. We sat there in silence smiling at each other, which was ok. We didn't have to be saying anything, being in the room together said enough.

There was another knock on the door. A familiar voice of a mountain man was heard from the other side, "It's me." It was Kristoff, the man of my dreams. I knew we had only just met a few days ago, but I was really starting to fall for him. This wasn't just a love at first sight kind of thing, like I had with He who shall not be named. Kristoff and I had a better relationship. We had 'True Love'. I knew it was too soon to let him know that I loved him, but I knew I really did. He had changed my life. He was a stranger I met in the mountains who was nice enough to help me save my sister. He didn't care what would happen to him, he was just so willing to help me. He was the kindest person I had ever met, which is why I think I fell so hard so fast.  I got up to answer the door.

"Good morning," I said leaning in for a kiss. "How was your stay at castle Arendelle?"

"A lot more comfortable than the sheds I find in the mountains," he joked. "I just hope Sven is ok, it's his first night he's ever spent without me." I could see the worried look in his eyes.

"I'm sure he's fine, he had Olaf to keep him company," I reassured. "We could go check on him in the stables if you'd like."

"Yes, I'm sure he's starving too, do you girls, by any chance, have carrots in your kitchen?" he asked kindly.

"Of course," Elsa said rising from my bed. "I'll go tell the chef to bring some carrots to the stables. While I'm down there I'll help him prepare breakfast for us."

"Thanks Elsa!" Kristoff said with a smile from ear to ear. He loved his reindeer very dearly. He was like a brother to him. They have the bond Elsa and I currently share, they're inseparable. They practically grew up in the mountains toghether. Kristoff was an orphan and Sven was the only real family he had ever had. He grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the stables so we could go see his best friend.

"Sven!" he yelled excited to see his buddy. He ran over and gave him a huge hug. Sven's little tail wagged the fastest I'd ever seen it wag. He was so happy to see Kristoff. Olaf was there too. He spent the night with Sven to keep him company. He was currently preoccupied with his personal snow flurry Elsa had made for him. It wasn't untill Sven started snorting that he noticed Kristoff and I had arrived.

"Anna, Kristoff," he cheered waving his arms in the air. He ran over and gave me a warm hug. He started rambling on and on about how great his night was with Sven in the stables until he was inturrupted by the chef.

"Elsa sent me to bring some carrots for the reindeer," he said, holding a silver platter with a few carrots.

"Yes, thank you," I said taking the carrots off the platter. I kept one of the carrots for myself and gave the rest to Kristoff. I fed Sven his first carrot. Kristoff then shared the rest of his with him. "You know breakfast is being made for us, right? You don't need to share with Sven."

"I know, it's just habit I guess," he blushed. We let Sven out of the stables and let him run around for a bit. The chef called us in letting us know breakfast was ready. Kristoff grabbed my hand as we headed inside, Olaf followed.

Kristoff pulled out my chair for me to sit in the royal dining hall. I sat next to Elsa, who was sitting at the head of the table wearing a huge grin. I was so glad we were finally able to be in the same room together again. My life was finally falling into place. Things were going perfectly for me. I had found the man on my dreams, and reunited with my big sister. I love them both dearly.

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