I Love You - Kristoff (Chapter 2)

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I was gald to have finally met someone like Anna. Our first kiss we shared the other day was magical, I've never felt that way before. I grew up with the trolls out in the mountains with Sven. I was always alone, she was the first real person I had an actual conversation with. There was the ocasional merchent where I would buy rope and carrots from, but I don't count them. She was exraordinary, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I was so glad she had become a part of my life, I treasure every moment with her.

I knew we had only met about a week ago, but I was centain I loved her, I just had to think of a way to tell her how I felt. I wanted to go to her room and see her, but I was too lazy to get up from the bed in my room Elsa had let me stay in.

I was interupted from my daydreams when I heard giggling outside my door. I got up to see who it was. When I opened up the door no one was there. Who could it have been? I wanderend around the halls until I found Elsa. She was seated on the couch in the living room. It was a little chilly in there.

I walked in, she turned around noticing my presence. "Kristoff," she giggled, "look at these snowflakes!" She used some of her powers to suspend snowflakes into the air. They looked gorgeous. "I'm so glad I'm finally able to control my powers to make such beautiful snowflakes." She looked at what she was creating with amazement. Her eyes glowed from the sparkle of the white snow. "Sorry, I'm getting a little carried away," she blushed and stopped making snowflakes for a moment. "I get a little excited being able to use my powers outside my room now. Did you need anything."

"No, sorry." I said wanting her to continue making the snowflakes. I was mersmerized by their craftsmanship, ice is my life. "I just heard some giggling outside my room and just wanted to see who it was."

"Ya, sorry about that," she smiled. "I'm sure you thought it was Anna."

"I did think it was Anna, sorry."

She laughed, "You don't have to apolagize. I'm sure she's up in her room if you're looking for her."

Before I could thank her and go looking for Anna, she popped her head into the living room, "There you are, sweetheart!" she yelled as she ran over to me. I hated when she gave me those pet names. They were too cute. I'm suppost to be her strong, protective man. You know, like protecting her if Hans were to ever return for what ever reason. Either way, I still loved her. I greeted her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

 "Where do you wanna go today?" I asked her. She and I had been going on little dates every so often. She always picked the places though, I wasn't too familiar with the kingdom on Arendelle.

"Why don't we just take a walk to the fjords?" she suggested.

"Sounds good," I said grabbing her hands, intertwining our fingers together. I decided today would be the day. Today I would tell her how I feel and how much I love her. The fjords were romantic enough right?

We made our way outside the palace gates and down towards the water. In the corner of my eye, I noticed a little boat, currently not in use. "Wanna go for a ride?" I asked the lovely princess with a smile.

"Of course!" she cheered, slightly jumping up and down. Together we grabbed the boat and put it afloat in the water. I helped her on the small vessel and made sure she was comfortable before we casted off. "This is so romantic," she wispered, staring into the translucent water.

I admired her from the opposite side of the boat. She looks absolutely beautiful. As she looked out into the fjord, I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. She beamed at me with a twinkle in her eye. They glowed a brighter blue than the water surrounding us. She was stunning. "Anna," I started, "I love you."

 Her face suddenly lit up. She looked at me like I was an angel that just descended from heaven. Tears started forming in the corners of her eyes. I've never seen her this happy before. She leaped and grabbed me, hugging me hard. I held her tightly as she whispered,"I love you too, Kristoff."

I smiled into her shoulder. We pulled apart so I was looking into her sparkling blue eyes. I grabbed her, crashing my lips into hers. I felt her smiling, and I couldn't help but smile back and kiss her harder. Once we finally separated, we looked into each others eyes. Anna blushed and giggled with anticipation.

I wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled into my shoulder. We remained in that position for a long time, gazing onto the limpid fjord. I'm glad I finally told her how I felt. I truly do love Anna. I'm so happy she chose me!

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