The Ceremony - Kristoff (Chapter 10)

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Today was the day. I couldn't wait for the ceremony to begin. I woke up really early to get ready. I put on a nice tuxedo with a light blue tie.

I promised the trolls they could see me get married if I ever found a girl. Well now I am getting married and it's time to do what I promised.

I hooked Sven up the new sleigh I got for Anna before I left, then made my way over to the forest. The trolls were so exited I had come back to visit. They helped me set up and  make everything look good, as did Olaf. He was going to be our best man.

We put up beautiful tapestry, planted flowers, and made a flowery arch around the alter. It looked amazing. The only thing missing was my bride. She should be arriving soon.

I began getting nervous as I waited for her. My stomach began churning. I tried to push the feeling away. The thought of Anna ariving in her beautiful dress helped ease the pain. I took the ring out of my pocket and twirled it between my fingers. She'll love it. This is what will hold our bond together. A never ending loop. I can't wait 'till we're married!

I started to hear the clanking of Sven's hooves, they must have arrived. Before they even turned the corner, the trolls ran over to greet them. I couldn't see anything for a while.

Eventually everyone settled down, and there she was. Across the isle was my wife to be. She looked perfect. He hair up, out of her face. Her dress, showing a bit of leg. She looked amazing. Finally the feeling in my stomach went away. Now I just couldn't wait for Elsa to walk her down the isle. Since her parents couldn't be with us and her dad couldn't walk her down, Elsa was the next best thing. She was also the maid of honor and just really wanted to walk her sister down the isle and give me her hand in marriage.

The piano started playing and Anna and her sister began slowly walking down the isle. Anna and I didn't look away from each other's gaze for even a second. We both wore an enormous grin, awaiting to be near each other.

Once they made it to the alter they shared a hug. Elsa took Anna's hand and placed it in mine. I inerlocked our fingers and helped her up the steps to the alter. Granpappy was the preacher who was going to wed us.

Once we were at each others side, Granpappy began preaching. I looked towards Anna, who had already been looking at me. "You look beautiful," I wispered.

She smiled and blushed, then mouthed the words 'thank you'. I was so enamored and distacted by her apperance, that once I regained my focus it was already time to exchange the rings. I pulled the ring out of my pocket again and slipped it onto her finger. She then put my ring onto my finger.

The ceremony was nearing an end. We faced each other, hand in hand, smiling. "Do you Anna, take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded husband?" Granpappy asked.

"I do."

"And do you Kristoff," he said facing me now, "take Anna to be your trollfully wedded wife?"

"I do." 

Granpappy closed his book and smiled at us both. "I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Husband and wife. We were actually husband and wife! I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

The trolls began cheering and aplauding. I managed to hear Elsa say congratulations, Olaf too, over all the loud cheers. Anna and I still had our lips locked together.

At last we pulled apart, foolishly smiling and blushing at eachother. It couldn't have asked for anything better. I grabbed her hand and walked her back down the isle. We headed towards the silver sleigh I got her. I picked her up and gently placed her inside.

We kissed one last time before we left. We waved goodbye to the trolls, Elsa, and Olaf. They continued to smile and cheer.

I tugged on the reigns of the sleigh and Sven began trotting away. I turned towards Anna, grabbed her hand, and looked her in the eyes. "I love you."

She smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "I love you too, Kristoff."

I wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled into my chest. We were finally married. We were officially together. Now it was time to return to the castle and share the news with Arendelle.

We rode down the mountain and into the palace gates. We were greeted with cheers from the commoners and many congratulations. We headed inside the castle and opened the doors to the ballroom. It was nicely decorated, thanks to the castle servents. People from all over the kindom and other kingdoms rushed inside to celebrate.

Elsa arived and gave a toast. She tapped her fork against the champagne glass to get everyone's attention. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of my sister, Anna, and my now brother-in-law, Kristoff," she began. "I can not even begin to explain how happy I am for these two. I've watched them grow more and more fond of each other. I've seen their love grow stronger and stonger each and every day. There could not have been a man more perfectly suited for my sister than Kristoff is. I love you both. Congratulations again. Cheers!" she cheered, raising her glass.

The whole ballroom raised their glasses and took a sip of their drink. The party had officially begun. We danced and ate the rest of the night.

It was time to bring out the wedding cake. It was a white, three layed cake with the words 'And They Lived Happily Ever After' written in icing on top. I was a chocolate cake of course, Anna's favorite. We  both held the knife and cut it together.

Once it started getting late and people started to leave, Elsa announced that the party was over. With that, I grabbed my wife's hand and kissed her lips. I swept her off her feet and carried her up to the bedroom to enjoy of wedding night together.

In this moment, everything was perfect. I was married to Anna, I was the official prince of Arendelle, and now the only thing left to do was to maybe start thinking about the next heir, a baby perhaps? But we'll worry about that when the time is right.

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