The Proposal - Kristoff (Chapter 4)

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I woke Anna up that morning with a kiss on the forehead. She slowly blinked her eyes open, then gazed into mine. "Good morning, princess."

"Five more minutes," she mumbled, putting the covers back over herself.

"C'mon, I have a suprise for you. Meet me by the stables." I winked and headed outside to see Sven.

"Hey buddy!" I said giving Sven pat on the head. I opened the gait to the stable to let him out. "Ready to go on a trip?" I asked him. He wagged his tail and jumped around. He was so excited, he loved when I took him places.

I hooked Sven up to sleigh when I saw Anna walk into the stables. "Ok, I'm ready. What's this big suprise you have for me?" she asked curiously.

"You'll see," I said, walking over to give her a kiss. She looked stunning today. She had her hair up in a braid that drapped over her right shoulder with a light blue bow tied at the bottom. She wore a blue dress which matched the color of her bow perfectly. It went down just below her knees and was ruffled around the bottom. It really brought out the blue in her eyes. It's like she knew what I was prepared to ask her today and she dressed for the occasion. 

I wrapped a bandana around her eyes, just like she did when she suprised me with my new sleigh. I grabbed her hand and gently assisted her so she stepped safely into the sleigh and made sure she was comfortable. Then I hopped in.

"Am I allowed to know where we're going?" she asked.

"If I were to tell you then it wouldn't be a suprise, now would it? " I joked. She shook her head. "Don't worry, I promise you'll love where I'm taking you." I grabbed the reigns of the sleigh and gave them a little tug. "C'mon Sven," I commanded, and he began trotting out of the palace gates.

Once we arrived, I helped her out of the sleigh and took off her bandana. "Here we are!" I exclaimed, gesturing towards the sign. 

"Wandering Oaken's Trading Post," she read, "Oh, and Sauna!" She looked at the shop, a little confused as to why I had taken her here. She looked over at me. I just responded with a smile. Then it clicked, "Wait a minute, isn't this where we first met?" she asked in astonishment.

"Yup, I thought I'd bring you here to bring back the memories from the first day we met." I looked up at the sign, feeling a little notalgic myself. I held her hand and led her inside.

I opened the door to find the same merchent sitting behind the counter. "Hoo-hoo. Big summer blow out." he said, raising his hands as he spoke.

Anna and I looked at each other in unison and began laughing. He handn't changed a bit. "Ya, hi. We're just here to pick up a few carrots."

"Are you sure that's all you'd like?" he asked. "We have half off swimming suits, clogs, and a sun balm of my own invention, yah?"

"Oh, no thank you. Just the carrots is alright." I told him. I handed him five dollars, then headed outside with my purchase. I gave Sven the bag of carrots. He'll need the enery to get us where we need to go. We still have a long journey ahead.

"So that's it?" Anna asked a little befuddled. "You dragged me all the way out here to buy Sven some carrots?"

"Nope, not just to get Sven carrots." I sneered at her. She sighed as I placed the bandana back over her eyes. "C'mon Sven," and he continued trotting along. 

It took a while, but we finally arived at the icy forest. It looked amazing with the fresh layer of snow from last night. I hopped out of the sleigh, then proceeded to help Anna get out. Once safely on her feet, I removed the bandana. "Oh my gosh! This is where we met Olaf!" she screamed.

"Yup," I said, "Doesn't it look amazing."

"It sure does!" She walked around playing with all the icicles hanging from the tree branches. The look of pure joy in her eyes brought a strange sensation to my stomach. Maybe it was the memories of having been here once before. Or maybe it was because I knew what I was about to ask her.

I walked over to her and held her hand. We smiled at each other and walked around a bit, admiring the beauty of the forest and its icicles. We wandered around until we reached the cliff. You could see all of Arendelle from up here. It was absolutely breath taking. This is where I was gonna do it. Right here, right now, I'm going to ask Anna to marry me. I just hope I don't get too nervous.

I squeezed her hand harder and she looked up into my eyes. They were still sparkling that lovely shade of blue. I could't tell it if was because of the color of her dress, or the reflection on the snow. Either way, she looked perfect.

"Anna," I began. "You know I love you." She nodded, and began blushing. "You look beautiful, I've never met a girl as breath taking as you. Especially now. That dress really makes your eyes sparkle." I began to blush too now, I was focusing too much about how she looked, and not about our future I wanted to spend together with her.

"Anyways, about us." I started getting nervous. That feeling in the pit of my stomach had come back. "I can't imagine a future without you, Anna. I hope we stay together for all of eternity, never leaving each others side, because that's how much I love you. I want to spend each and every day with you. I want to wake up beside you in bed every morning. I want to be the man you can rely on, who will do anything you ask. So I guess my real question is..."

I looked deeper into her eyes. I began getting down onto one knee, and pulled the ring box out of my pocket. I saw her suddenly get excited. I knew she realized what I was about to ask her. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard before continuing. I opened up the box and asked, "Anna, will you marry me?"

A smile came across her face, ear to ear. Tears began welling up in the corners of her eyes. Her eyes darted between mine and the ring. She squeezed my hand even harder then yelled, "Yes! Of course I will! I love you, Kristoff!"

It felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders. She said yes, she actually said yes. I was suprised I was so shocked by her response. I knew she loved me. I slid the ring onto her finger. She eagerly began bouncing up and down, waiting for me to get back onto my feet. As soon as I stood back up, she grabbed me, and kissed me hard. I kissed back. "I love you," I wispered between breaths. She sunk her fingers into my hair and I squeezed her tighter around the waist.

This was a kiss unlike any other. It was passionate, full of meaning. There was nothing that could break us apart from each others lips at this very moment. I kissed her and she continued to kiss me back. Everything was perfect.

Suddenly, loud petrifying screams were heared in the distance followed by a large boom which seemed to be an explosion. Looking down from where we were up in the mountain, it looked like a huge fire had started down in Arendelle. People were seen down below running in a panic.

Anna grabbed me around the waist and I pulled her in close. I felt her body trembling, or maybe it was my own body. All I knew for certain was that I needed to keep my fiancé safe from whatever was about to happen to us.

Somehow I felt like I knew what had happened down below. Somehow I knew this chaos had been caused by someone Anna and I both knew. Somehow I knew he had come back for revenge. Somehow I knew, it was Hans.

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