Epilogue - Elsa

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Anna and Kristoff have been happily married for a while now. They do everything together. Anna and I have been helping Kristoff practice how to act like a prince. Like how to dress, how to greet people, how to bow properly, and many other things of the sort.

Me, I've been real busy lately with trading paperwork. Nothing exciting happening in my life. Anna on the other hand, has been very quiet these past few days. She wasn't her usual happy, bubbly,  lovey-dovey self. I went to her room to see if she was alright.

I knocked on the door. "It's open," she yelled. I walked in and the smile on her face suddenly dropped. An unforeseen look of fear came across her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You look nervous about something. You haven't been yourself lately, you're always up here in you room."

"Well.." she began, twirling her fingers, staring at the floor. She looked up at me, wide eyed and shrugged her shoulders, "I'm pregnant," she finally said with a smile.

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