Captivity - Anna (Chapter 7)

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Hans had me by the wrist. I was still crying my eyes out. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. This started off as the best day ever because Kristoff and I got engaged. But now it was turning out to be the worst day ever because Hans wants me to marry him instead.

He opened the door up to my room and thew me onto the bed. "Alright princess," he said tilting my chin up. "What do I have to do to convince you to marry me."

"Nothing," I responded coldly. "Nothing you do will make me want to marry you instead of Kristoff. I hate you, Hans. Your heart if frozen. You care about no one but yourself." I got so upset as I screamed I began tearing up. "Not only that, but you don't really love me. You only want me for my royal status so you can be king."

"That's not true," he said looking at me with fake puppy dog eyes.

"Oh stop it." I said pushing him away. "I know you're only trying to persuade me into falling in love with you again so you can marry me, but it won't happen this time. I'm not desperate for love like I was back then. On top of all that, I've found someone else who loves me for me."

I sighed and glanced out the window. I hope Kristoff was alright. Elsa too. I hope they were able to sneak out and find someplace safe, away from here. I also secretly hope they'll try and save me. I can't be in a room with this Thing for much longer.

"Now, now Anna, listen to me -"

I cut him off. "No Hans! You listen to me! I do not know how many times I need to tell you! I hate you, and I will not marry you!" I huffed and stormed out of the room, slamming the door on my way out.

I tried getting away while I had the chance, but Kai was at the end of the hallway to stop me. "Please Kai, please. You have to let me go!" I looked at him with a worried expression on my face. "Don't listen to Hans, he's only using you. Please Kai, you work for us. Let me go."

I heard him sigh slightly. "I'm sorry Anna but I can't." He looked at the ground, ashamed. "He said if I don't listen to him, he'll burn me to death."

"But if you don't let me go he'll burn me to death!" I told him.

"I'm sorry Anna," he wispered as he began carrying me back to my room.

I sreamed and struggled to break free, but Kai's grip was too strong. Once we got to my room, he opened up the door and tossed me inside. Hans was standing there with his arms crossed.

"Well, look who came back for me," he said sarcastically.

"I'm not here for you!" I barked. "I'm here against my will, now let me go!"

"Sorry princess, but you're not leaving here until we're married," he said walking closer to me. "Now, I'm going to say this again. I can try and convince you to marry me, or we can sit here as I watch you cry. Then tomorrow I'll just have to force you into marrying me. But, if I were to convince you, you wouldn't have a problem with marrying me tomorrow morning."

"Do what ever you want Hans. You'll never be able to convince me, and I'm done crying. And quite frankly I'm done talking to you as well." I crossed my arms and turned around so my back was to him. "Oh, and we won't be getting married tomorrow either. My sister and finacé will be here to save me."

Or at least I hoped they would be here in time. I just wanted to see them again. I wanted all this to be over and for Hans to go away, back to the Southern Isles, locked up preferably. I wanted my beautiful engagement ring that Kristoff gave me back. I want to marry Kristoff. I just want to be with him again.

I missed him. But honestly, I think I missed Elsa the most. I can't stand being seperated from her again. I just want us all to be together again, without Hans.

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