The Plan - Kristoff (Chapter 8)

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Elsa and I managed to sneak out into the stables. We spent the night on the ground with Sven. It was cold, but at least it was better than that dungeon. Sven was pretty excited we were there, so at least someone was happy.

I hope Anna is alright. Elsa and I needed to think of a way to get her out of there, before she was forced into marrying Hans.

I turned to see Elsa who was still asleep. I felt bad waking her up, but we had no time to waste. I lighly tapped her shoulder to get her to wake up. She opened her eyes. "Sorry to wake you, but we need to think of a way to save Anna."

She sighed. She seemed nervous. "Well, Hans said he was going to force Anna to marry him this morning. So maybe if we find a way to sneak into the ballroom we can stop the wedding before it happens. The only propblem is, how do we get in there undetected?"

I thought for a moment. Then I rememberd Olaf was still in the castle. He was no threat to Hans. Maybe if we somehow managed to get Olaf's attention, we would get in with no problem. "Hey, Elsa," I said turning towards her, "What if we somehow get Olaf to help us?"

Her face lit up. "That's it!" She stood up and grabbed my wrist, "C'mon, follow me."

She brought be to a window on the back side of the castle. She peered inside. "He's not in there," she sighed.

"Why would you assume he'd be in there?" I asked.

"Well I know that's his favorite spot in the castle. While you and Anna were out on your dates, he was always in this room playing with his flurry. I would go in there sometimes and we'd make things out of ice together." She looked inside again and shook her head. "He should come by soon. He's always in here during the day."

"What will we do once he does walk in?"

"We'll just knock on the glass and get his attention. Once he sees us, we'll tell him to open the window, then we'll simply climb inside." She said with an egotistic look.

"Brilliant!" I exclaimed.

We waited a while under the window, and still no sight of Olaf. I began getting worried. What if we were too late? What if we wasted to much time waiting for Olaf? What if the wedding was going on right now? What if the wedding already happend? I bagan hyperventilating. The thought of Anna being with someone else made me feel something I've never felt before. A miture of jealousy, fear, anxiety, and lots of other bad emotions. I couldn't take it any more.

Elsa noticed I was worried. She put her cool hand on my back to calm me down. "Are you ok?" she asked.

I exhaled deeply. "Yah. I think?" I shook my head. "I'm just worried about Anna. I can't stand the thought of she and Hans being together."

She gave me a side hug. "It's ok," she said sympathetically. "We'll stop Hans. Anna will be fine." she reasured.

"I hope so."

Before I could worry some more, we saw the door open up. Olaf had finally walked into the room. Elsa and I began banging on the class to get his attention. He turned towards the window, his eyes widened when we saw it was us. He ran over and opened the window. "Hey guys! What are you doing out there?" he asked.

"Olaf, you need to help us inside," Elsa told him. "We need to stop Hans and save Anna."

"Ok, come on in." He said, giving a helping hand. Elsa and I were finally inside.

"Where's Anna? Has the wedding started?" I asked in a panic.

"Ya, they're in the ballroom now." Olaf said as if it were obvious.

Without thinking of a plan on what to do, I ran out of the room. I stormed down the hallway and headed towards the ballroom. I could hear the preacher from down the hall. "... speak now or forever hold your peace."

I slammed the double doors open and yelled, "Stop! Stop the wedding!"

"Kristoff!" Anna yelled with a sigh of relieve. She ran over to me. I pulled her in for a hug. "I love you," she wispered into my chest as she began crying.

We pulled apart, I looked into her eyes. "I love you too, Anna." I smiled and crashed my lips into hers. "I'm so sorry all this happened to you."

"I'm just glad you were able to stop this in time." She smiled her cute little smile. I kissed her again.

Hans began steaming at the alter. "How dare you leave me Anna. And how dare you take my bride away from me." He yelled at us.

"Your bride?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Well exuse me 'your highness'," I said with air quotes, "but she's mine."

"Oh really?" he said as he approached us. "Who's going to stop me from burning the two of you to death right now, huh?"

"I AM!" yelled someone from behind. We all turned to see who it was. Elsa was standing at the entryway. She removed her gloved and shot her ice, hitting Hans right in the neck.

He clenched his throat and fell to the ground. He struggled to breathe for a moment. Elsa walked over to him. "Who's going to stop me from freezing you right now, huh?" she asked, mocking his original question.

"N-no, El-s-sa," he pleaded.

"No one messes with my sister!" she yelled as she shot ice right at his heart. He screamed in pain and began crying.

"I give up! You win." He said, still curled up on the ground.

"Do you promise to leave Arendelle?" She asked him.


"Do you promise to never return again?"


"Do you promie to leave my sister, Kristoff, and me alone. Do you promise to stop trying to marry my sister. Do you promise to stop trying to kill us all? Huh, do you!"

"Yes, yes! I do! I promise!" He yelled, clenching his fists in pain.

"Alright," she said. "I just have one more question for you." She cleared her throat. "Do you swear to never try and take over my kindom in any way, shape, or form again?"

"I do."

She nodded, slipped her glove back on, and extended her arm. Hans looked up at her a little confused. He wearily extended his arm, grabbing her hand. She helped him up to his feet then said, "I hope I never see you again, Hans. Good day."

"That's it? You're not going to put me back in jail? Or try to kill me or something?" He asked, a little confused.

"Oh, I don't have to worry about that." She said, glaring at him with a fake smile. "I froze your heart remember? You'll kill yourself unless you learn to love."

His eyes suddenly widened. "Oh no," he wispered, then procedeed to run out of the ballroom.

Elsa turned around with a pleased look on her face. "We won't be seeing him again."

We all laughed in unison. "I knew you could do it," Anna said with a smile, hugging her sister.

As they shared their long hug, I looked Elsa in the eyes. I mouthed the words 'thank you' with a smile. She nodded, smiling back at me, pulling me into the hug. I'm so glad we're all together again. Anna was safe, Hans was gone. Now we could go back to being the happy couple that just got engaged.

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